  • 學位論文

感今懷昔 鄉野意象之花鳥畫創作研究

Feelings of Now and Then: creation and study of bird and flower paintings in rustic imagery

指導教授 : 沈政乾


摘要 本文主旨在探討消逝中的鄉野景物與生活情懷,依據筆者的故鄉風光與記憶構思,融合鄉間勤奮儉樸的精神進行創作,期望喚醒人們記憶中早已淡化的歲月刻痕。 第一章緒論,探討筆者此次創作之動機與目的,並規範其範圍與限制,擬定創作的過程方法與各個步驟,最後將本研究主題「感今懷昔」定義與釋義。 第二章學理基礎,為筆者創作之源頭與根基,列出對筆者來說花鳥畫的重要三大項分別探討。分別為花鳥畫的相關文獻、藝術內涵與色彩表現,進行花鳥畫的相關史論的析探,了解該畫科的精神傳達、表現意涵與呈現方式。 第三章創作理念,為此次創作的核心,依序將其分為「創作源起」、「內涵探索」、「思維傳達」,雖然分為三節,但彼此卻是環環相扣的推演。首先以台灣文化為切入點,描述創造性與獨特性的源頭,進而帶入全球化與現代化所帶來的影響,從中探討相互的關連與影響,並介紹生活中的實例。每節以不同的觀點切入,鈎勒出筆者的繪畫思想,也期望藉由創作達成心中的願景。 第四章作品解析,總合以上的構思並實踐於創作。藉由麻雀的形象與習性作為傳達媒介,透過轉化與詮釋表現鄉間的生活情景,期望透過此探討與追朔,能配合自己的理念呈現於作品之上。 第五章結論,回顧此次研究的創作心得與研究發現,並從中思索未來創作的可能性。


感今懷昔 鄉野 花鳥畫


Abstract The aim of this study is the exploration of the disappearing rural landscape and life. The creations were composed with the sights of the author’s hometown and memories with the hope to recall people’s fading memories of years gone by through these creations. Introduction of chapter one discusses the author’s motives and purpose in creating the works. The perimeters and limitations are also defined. The creative steps and processes are also planned. Finally, the title “Feelings of Now and Then” is defined and explained. Theoretical foundations of chapter two are the origin and root of the author’s creations. The importance of bird and flower paintings are laid out in three categories—history, artistic meaning, and color presentation. The section discusses the history of bird and flower paintings to understand the meaning and the method of expression. Chapter three focuses on the creative concept. The core of the creations is divided into three sections—origin, meaning exploration, and thought expression. Each section is linked to another. It starts with Taiwan’s culture and move onto the impacts of globalization and modernization. It then moves onto the connection and influence and introduces examples from real life. Each section is examined from a different perspective. The author’s concepts are realized through the paintings. Chapter four analyzes the works and summarizes the ideas presented in the paintings. Using the image and characteristics of the sparrow as a means of expression, the idyllic rural life is transformed and interpreted. It is hoped that the discussion and retrospective can be reflected in the works along with the author’s own ideas. Chapter five looks back at the entire creative process and research and finds creative possibilities for the future.


