  • 學位論文


The creative research of the observing the seasons - ink painting flowers and birds .

指導教授 : 沈政乾


本文的主旨以筆者的生活為中心,探討動、植物的習性、生活方式、以及與氣候時節的相互關係,再透過筆者的體會與觀察,縱情於紙面上。筆者將論文的題目訂為「靜觀四季之花鳥畫創作研究」,希望筆者在創作過程當中,可以更加用心去觀察自然,用心去體驗生活,並將這些美感經驗,轉化成筆墨,開創屬於自我的藝術觀。本研究的文章架構如下: 第一章、緒論,主要描述筆者的研究動機與目的,以及研究範圍與方法。第二章、文獻探討,對於花鳥畫沿革的相關文獻資料,以及相關理論之論述,深入研究與分析,再經由梳理歸納後,做為本論文創作理論的基礎。再透過花鳥畫中時間性、寓意性之表現,做進一步的探求。第三章、「靜觀四季之花鳥畫創作研究」創作理念的建構,主要描述筆者透過畫史與畫論的研閱、寫生、以及創作的過程,分別以創作思維與內涵、構圖探討、筆法技巧、色彩運用,這四大項進行敘述。第四章、創作詮釋解析,此章節主要為創作實踐,筆者先描述個人的創作思維如何實踐於作品之中,再透過主要的代表作品,進行探討與分析。第五章、結論,回顧此階段的研究與心得,並思索未來可以繼續再延伸創作的方向,做為往後研究的參酌。


花鳥畫 水墨 四季


The theme of the content is based on the writer’s daily routine of observing the mutual effect between the creatures and the seasons. “ The creative research of observing the seasons - ink painting flowers and birds,” is a way of thinking that during the produce of ink painting, the writer could turn his sense of nature into ink. Expressing the experience of life and the beauty of the world, the writer could create his own perspective of art. The structures of the content are divided into four chapters: Chapter I “The prolog”: The motivation and destination of the research, containing the methods and range of the research. Chapter II “Document discussing”: Analyzing the documents about the traditional Chinese style of ink painting of flowers and birds. Based on the theory of the documents the researcher interprets the traditional style and the structure in a creative perspective. Chapter III the structure of “ The creative research of observing the seasons - ink painting flowers and birds” is founded on studying the history and theory of the traditional Chinese style of ink painting. There are four elements in the process: 1. Creative thinking and connotation 2. Painting structure 3. Technique of the calligraphy 4. Demonstration of the color Chapter IV “Analyze and interpret the creation”: This chapter is focusing on putting the creation in to practice. The writer will first give a personal picture of practicing the ideas into specific arts, and then discuss the representative works. Chapter V “Conclusion”: Review the research of this phase and develop the road that could be extended in order to keep researching in the future.


