  • 學位論文


A Study of Consumption Behaviors of the People of Mainland China Visiting Taiwan

指導教授 : 曾信超
共同指導教授 : 顏義文


觀光收益最明顯的表現即是觀光客在旅遊活動時所進行的消費行為,也是創造外匯收入的重要來源。觀光局指出,以陸客平均停留7天,每人每天平均消費約美金243元。大陸觀光客在台花一塊錢,可創造國民所得壹點七元,政府與民間應更積極地促成全面性開放大陸人士來台觀光。 本研究以大陸遊客來台消費行為研究為主題,分析旅客特質及旅遊消費對購後評估及滿意度之影響,研究結果如下:1.透過因素分析萃取旅客特性因素為訊息性。2.旅遊消費為(1)消費性(2)產品性(3)決策性等三項主要因素。3.透過迴歸分析,滿意度及忠誠度等相關變數的影響,所得結果(1)旅遊行為發生後所產生的購後評估之服務性與便利性對遊客的消費行為有提升作用。(2)旅客特性對遊客消費行為具有正面效果。(3)親切的服務、優質的交通及環保與旅客特質有正面的影響。(4)消費價格的合理性與適宜的決策,對遊客的滿意度具有正面意義。 根據研究提出下列建議: 1. 統計來台大陸旅客人口結構與旅遊特性等資料,以供相關單位參考。主管機關應督促與輔導觀光店家提昇購物環境、商品質量與服務品質。 2. 推廣具本土特色的商品及精簡入台手續及保證制度。專案申請參訪團處理應再縮短流程,以達時效性及便利性。 3. 發揮旅遊綜合帶動效應,塑造城市文化特色,提高公民的素質,進而提升城市的人文形象。 4. 觀光店家應提供導遊充分、真實的商品資訊,且將商品的訊息適時、完整的傳遞給遊客。 在全球化與注重地區行銷的時代中,旅遊者的質量已被視作國力擴散的重要一環,透過兩岸旅遊交流,台灣不僅有機會繼續達成高經濟成長,更能促進大陸政經菁英及民眾對台灣的瞭解。推動大陸人民赴台旅遊的全面開放,將更有利兩岸人民互動和學習。


The sightseeing income most obvious performance is the tourist when the traveling activity carries on consumer behavior, also is creates the foreign exchange earnings the important origin. The Tourism bureau pointed out that pauses equally by the land guest 7 days, each human of everyday average consumption approximately 243 dollar. The mainland China tourist spends a dollar in Taiwan, may create the national income 1.7 Yuan, the government and the folk should facilitate the integrity to open the mainland public figure positively to come the Taiwan sightseeing. This research comes the Taiwan consumer behavior research take the mainland China tourist as a subject, analyzes the passenger special characteristic and the traveling expends after buys the appraisal and the degree of satisfaction influence, the findings is as follows: 1. Penetration factor analysis extract passenger characteristic factor for news. 2. Traveling expenses are (1) the consumption (2) the product (3) the decision-making and so on three primary factors. 3. penetration regression analysis, correlation variable and so on degree of satisfaction and loyalty influences, after the obtained result (1) traveling behavior occurs buys ministrant of and the convenience appraisal which produces to tourist's consumer behavior has the promotion function.(2) passenger characteristic has the positive effect to the tourist consumer behavior.(3) kind service, the high quality transportation and the environmental protection and the passenger special characteristic have the positive influence.(4) expense price rationality and the suitable decision-making, has the positive significance to tourist's degree of satisfaction. Puts forward the following proposal according to the research: 1. Counts Taiwan mainland passenger materials and so on population structure and traveling characteristic, supplies the related unit to refer. The controlling organization should supervise and counsels the sightseeing shop owner promote the shopping environment, the commodity quality and the service quality. 2. The promotion has the native place characteristic the commodity and simplifies into the Taiwan procedure and the guarantee system. The special case application visiting group processes should again reduce the flow, reaches the effectiveness and the convenience. 3. The display traveling synthesis impetus effect, molds the civic culture characteristic, improves citizen's quality, and promotes the city the humanities image. 4. The sightseeing shop owner should provide the tour guide fully, the real commodity information, also commodity news at the right moment, integrity transmission for tourist. And pays great attention to local marketing in the globalization in the time, tourist's quality was regarded does the national strength proliferation the important link, not only penetrates both banks traveling exchange, Taiwan has the opportunity to continue to achieve the high economy to grow, can promote the mainland politics after cyanine England and the populace to Taiwan the understanding. Impels the mainland people to go to the comprehensive opening which Taiwan travels, more advantageous both banks people interaction and study.


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