  • 學位論文


Bioremediation of fuel oil-contaminated soil by composting

指導教授 : 洪慶宜


石油產品因貯槽洩漏、管線破裂、裝卸運送意外造成環境污染,若不立即將受污染土壤移除或復育,將會對生態環境及人類健康造成影響。生物復育係利用自然界微生物淨化原理,以工程方式促進污染物代謝速率,有低成本低衍生二次污染風險等特性,比物理化學處理技術更適用於解決石油產品污染問題。本研究目的在評估添加不同量肥料的堆肥生物處理法,對處理燃料油污染土壤的可行性評估。 2003年11月某公司輸油管線因施工意外,造成35m 土壤污染,受污染土壤挖除經篩選機前處理剔除石塊後,TPH濃度約在7,900∼14,000 ppm間,與相同體積稻殼混合均勻,實驗組在三個1.8m(L)×1.6m(W)×1m(H)水泥槽,及ㄧ個5m(L)×2m(W)×0.9m(H)鐵質處理槽,分別添加市售粉狀有機肥料98㎏(A組)、245㎏(B組)、392㎏(C組)、766㎏(D組),使槽內土壤碳氮比(C / N)分別為100:10、100:25、100:40、100:25,四個處理槽底部上方25㎝處,設有4英吋透氣管,連結鼓風機間斷抽氣。控制組則將剩餘23 m 污染土壤,只混合相同體積稻殼,不加有機肥料,堆置在復育場。有機肥料碳氮比9:1,氮含量4.94%、磷含量2.37%,隨著處理時間,監測比較氧氣、二氧化碳、溫度、pH值、TPH濃度在各處理槽的變化。 溫度從第1天27℃,逐漸上升至第8天達到最高點,控制組、A組、B組、C組及D組分別為38.2℃、56.8℃、64.2℃、64℃及63.8℃,而後逐日遞減至第43天後接近常溫;各處理槽二氧化碳濃度前8天大於15,000 ppm,第20天後則趨近於660 ppm;氧氣濃度前兩週0.3%,第15天起上升至12.0%以上;pH值在堆肥過程,各組無顯著差異,在7.5∼8.0間。 堆肥過程添加稻殼改善土壤質地及腐熟完全有機肥料當營養源,這些有機化合物成分結構會造成火焰離子層析儀干擾,使TPH濃度升高,須另以質譜分析儀(MS)鑑別物種及以SIM方式篩選後再定量,使得分析成本大增,實驗結果各組TPH濃度衰減變化,因各組添加營養源比例不同而有差異,顯然地,大量添加營養源,並沒有比添加少量或完全未添加者,生物降解效果佳,這有可能是因貯槽空間變異性及添加稻殼有機肥造成TPH定量干擾結果。


堆肥法 生物復育 燃料油 TPH定量


The aim of this study was to conduct feasibility study of different mixing ratios of organic amendments for enhancing composting of fuel-oil contaminated soil. The 35 m3 field contaminated soil from an incidental spill of oil pipeline was used for this study. After screening out large rocks, rice hulls of approximately equivalent volume, were added to the contaminated soil to enhance ventilation during composting. Organic fertilizer, mainly chicken fecal materials, was used as an nutrient amendment to enhance petroleum biodegradation. Three concrete tanks each with a size of 1.8m(L)×1.6m(W)×1m(H) and one iron tank with a size of 5m(L)×2m(W)×0.9m(H) were used. The C: N ratios were adjusted to 100:10, 100:25, 100:40 for each of the three RC tanks. The C: N ration was 100:25 for the iron tank. Contaminated soils were periodically ventilated with 4-inch piping on the bottom of the tanks. The rest of 23 m3 fuel oil contaminated soils without fertilizer amendment was piled up and served as the control. The changes of oxygen, carbon dioxide, temperature, pH, and total petroleum hydrocarbons (TPH) over the experimental period were monitored. General trends of increases in carbon dioxide and decreases in oxygen were observed in the four treatment tanks at the first 2 weeks of theexperiment. Temperature reached a maximum of 56.8℃~64.0℃ at the first week in the four treatment tanks, as the temperature only went to 38.2℃ in the control. The changes of pH were at the range of 7.5~8.1. The organic amendments obviously interfered the quantification of TPH concentrations when the conventional GC/FID method was used. As the result, GC/MS fingerprints technique was used to identify and quantify the peaks with petroleum origins. The results showed the changes of TPH were different among treatments. However, the degradation of fuel oil was insignificantly enhanced by the addition of the organic amendments compare to straight soil. This might be due to the large spatial variation in the treatment tanks as well as the still-exist analytical interferences of rice hulls and fertilizers.


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