  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Landowners’ Critical Behavior for Selling Real Estate – A Case Study of Tainan City

指導教授 : 周士雄


地主土地出售的決策行為,可能會受到出售動機、目標、價格等因素的影響,且隨其個人的主觀偏好與社會經濟條件而有所差異。探討影響地主出售土地時的關鍵決策要因、分析地主出售土地行為的特性,將有助於土地市場供給行為的理解,也有助於防範地主拿翹行為之對策研擬。 透過文獻回顧及深度訪談,本研究初步歸納35項可能影響地主出售土地的因素,作為問卷設計的依據。針對有實際出售土地經驗的地主為對象,進行土地出售行為之影響因素的問卷調查。本研究利用所獲取的調查資料,進行因素分析、均值分析及交叉分析,解析出真正影響土地出售的關鍵決策要因與行為之差異。 本研究的實證結果顯示,影響地主決策的重要因素有六大項:價格因素、政策因素、權限因素、區位因素、利潤因素及個人因素。等六大因素。而應用均值分析得知,有關地主的性別、年齡、教育程度、及年收入等背景條件差異,在地主出售土地決策因素考量上會有明顯的差異;而有關土地的土地使用分區、所有權屬型態、土地/樓地板面積、面臨道路寬度等條件差異,在地主出售土地決策因素考量上也有明顯的差異。


The decision-making of selling land may depend on a number of factors such as landowners’ selling motives, goals, price, individual preferences, and social economical conditions. Research on these critical factors that affect the decision-making of selling lands as well as landowners’ selling behavior, will not only be helpful for us to understand the market-supply of the land but also be beneficial to develop necessary strategies that can prevent landowners’ holdouts. Based on literature review and in-depth interviews with landowners, this study categorized thirty-five factors that may influence landowners’ selling behavior and then used these factors as the basis for a questionnaire design. We conducted the questionnaire with the landowners who have experiences of selling land so as to gain insights into possible factors related to land selling. The data gained from the questionnaire were then examined through factor analysis, mean analysis, and cross analysis, hoping to indicate critical factors that influence the decision-making of land selling and to account for the differences among landowners’ behavior. Results show that six major factors are influential in landowners’ selling decisions: price, policy, limits of rights, location, profit, and individual concerns. The mean analysis indicates that differences in land selling decisions are related to landowners’ background variations, including landowners’ gender, age, educational backgrounds, and annual income. Moreover, significant differences of the landowners’ decisions in selling land are also found to be relevant to the following four factors: the situations of land usage, the style of ownership, the scale of land, and the width of a road beside the selling land.


Land Development Land owner


