  • 學位論文


The establishment of evaluation method for hospital emergency response plan

指導教授 : 陳振和 何三平


本研究目的在建立醫療院所緊急應變計畫評量模式,研擬一套兼具診斷作用的醫療院所緊急應變系統的評量模式,以協助醫療院檢討目前之緊急應變系統之優缺點,提出醫療院所緊急應變計畫之相關改進策略與建議,提供醫療院所檢視與修正緊急應變之參考,俾於災害尚未發生前,即可發現可能之應變計劃缺點,及早改善,防範於未然,落實保障醫療從業人員及病患之福祉。 本研究建立評量模式包含五大步驟:(1)Initiation.(2)Formulation.(3)Implementation.(4)Evaluation.(5)Improvement/Integration.以國內各醫療院所之現行緊急應變計畫及國外相關機構對醫療院所制定之緊急應變指南與評量資料為起始(Initiation),透過有系統之分類與彙整,建立評量模式草案,並經由向各級醫療機構進行此草案之問卷調查,以及整合國內職業安全衛生領域與醫護領域之專家學者之建議,訂定評量模式(Formulation)。Implementation 則是實際運用此評量模式去評量醫療機構,實際評量之後,利用該醫療院所緊急應變演練的機會,去評估(Evaluation)此評量模式是否能真正反應出其缺失。再根據演練與評量結果,修正此評量模式(Improvement/integration),成為真正可用之模式。本研究以德耳菲法(The Delphi Technique)為主要研究方法。 本研究建立之醫療院所緊急應變計畫評量模式計分為十三大項: (一)緊急應變計畫書;(二)應變組織架構與權責;(三)控制指揮中心規劃;(四)應變資源管理;(五)通報與溝通方式之規劃;(六)隔離與疏散計畫;(七)救護與醫療;(八)去污染與去感染;(九)復原計畫;(十)人員認知與訓練;(十一)風險評估;(十二)應變計畫之落實;(十三)緊急應變計畫之修正。每大項又依其重要性區分成數個小項,每小項又各有其評量依據;各大項與各小項之配分比重不同。由於國內各級醫療院所對緊急應變普遍不太重視, 在Implementation 及Evaluation 時相對的困難度比較高,缺失很多,實際演練進行Evaluation 時,這些缺失都暴露出來,此評量模式確實的達到評量與診斷之目的。政府應該更徹底的對各級醫療院所加強輔導與管理,尤其是在例行之醫院評鑑中,增加安全衛生管理項目之配分,各級醫院才可能落實保障醫療從業人員及病患之福祉。


Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) caused global catastrophe in Taiwan. The emergence of SARS posed a very serious issue: “There is no emergency response planning among hospitals taking SARS patients.” Our main objective was to establish an evaluation model to fill the urgency of hospitals’ need in Taiwan. This study intends to establish an evaluation model for emergency plans through the Delphi Technique. Questionnaires for the emergency response planning evaluation model will be setup for experts in related fields to review. A drill will be conducted at a hospital directly governed by Department of Health, after the initial guideline and evaluation model are completed to provide a mechanism to improve them and to further prove their effectiveness. Basically, the establishment of this evaluation model follows five step processes: 1). Initiation. 2). Formulation. 3). Implementation. 4). Evaluation. 5). Improvement/integration. The evaluation method established in this study includes thirteen major categories. Each major category contains several items depending upon its relative importance. Each item has its own weight. The results from this study fill up the gaps in the governmental structural deficiency and the lack of occupational safety and health education and training among medical personnel in Taiwan. This evaluation method will also serve as a diagnostic means for hospital’s emergency response plan. Emergency response planning is the most important issue in hospital’s safety management. Government should increase the weight of hospital’s safety management in their routine hospital inspections so that hospitals would be more willing to take this issue more seriously in order to protect the wellness of hospital personnel and patients.


石富元,2000,“災難醫學”,台灣醫學, 4(2): 169-76.
摘自,翁德怡、石富元:災難事件的定義、分類與分級標準。台灣醫學2002;Vol.6﹐No. 3:374-84
翁德怡、石富元:災難事件的定義、分類與分級標準。台灣醫學2002;Vol.6﹐No. 3:374-84
