  • 學位論文

公部門之人力資本管理活動、知識分享媒介與員工效能影響之研究 ─以台南縣市政府為例

A Study of the Relationship of Human Capital Management, Knowledge Sharing and Employee Effectiveness: A Case of Tainan Government

指導教授 : 曾信超 余明助


新的公共治理時代,民眾要求政府要提供多元多變的服務。過去政府工作是適用法令維持穩定;現在則需提供不同的服務,面對新的問題,數位時代中人力資源將成為公部門管理的核心,已是不可忽略的趨勢。因此,公務人員管理的轉型與角色的再定位,是必要且無法避免的課題。而公部門在此轉型的過程中,如何運用人力資源管理活動,促使員工積極透過組織內部的知識分享媒介,形成內部學習的風氣,提升整體員工效能的表現,是本研究欲探討的問題。 因此,本研究旨在探討公部門之人力資本管理活動、知識分享媒介與員工效能之關係,以台南縣市政府的員工為研究對象。總計發放出315份問卷,扣除填答不完整之無效問卷,共得有效問卷173份,有效問卷回收率為54.9%。回收樣本資料運用Pearson相關、複迴歸、t檢定及單因子變異數分析回收樣本資料後,本研究之研究結果可簡要整理如下: 一、公部門可透過人力發展活動提供員工激勵因子,促進擁有內隱知識的人才透過書面資訊或資訊科技的方式分享知識的動機。 二、公部門可透過與所有員工溝通組織願景,使其能如團隊般工作並達成組織績效和欲達成的目標;持續強調員工持續訓練與發展的重要性,可強化員工工作本份行為與利他行為的表現及對組織的承諾,組織可提升競爭力、以最有效率的方式營運、並成功執行組織策略。 三、公部門可透過工作手冊、公布欄等書面資訊來取得與工作相關的知識與技術,提升任務績效及價值承諾,並促進其自我學習的動機。正式的書面資訊將有助於員工越能認同在組織中工作可以學到更多的知識與技能。 四、知識分享媒介中的人際接觸扮演很重要的中介角色,可強化企業認同對任務績效、利他行為、自我學習的影響。 五、男性較女性常透過書面資料及資訊科技進行知識的分享,亦較強調自身脈絡績效的表現,及擁有較高的自我成長動機。 六、不同的任職年資在努力承諾上會有顯著差異,任職年資少於5年的員工較任職年資超過20年者有較高的努力承諾。


In the new era of public ruling, people request government to provide variable services. In the past, government used laws and regulations to maintain social stability; nowadays, government should provide various services .to face new problems. It has become a noticeable trend that human resources will be the core of government agencies in the digital era. Therefore, it is an inevitable task to change the management of government officials and to relocate their roles. This study is to explore how to exercise the management of human resources in order to promote the learning climate through knowledge-sharing media within the organization and to exalt the efficiency of all government officials in the process of the change. As a result, this study is to discuss the management of human resources in government agencies and the relation between knowledge-sharing media and the efficiency of officials. This study is based on the government officials in Tainan City and Tainan County. Besides the invalid incomplete ones, there are 173 valid questionnaires. The rate of returned valid questionnaires is 55.8%. Based on the analysis through Pearson Correlation, Multiple Regression Analysis, T-Test, and Single Factor ANOVA, the result of this study is as follows: 1.Government agencies can encourage people who have the tacit knowledge to share their knowledge in written form or through information technology, and can provide the incentives of sharing knowledge through the development of human resources. 2.Government agencies can organize a long-term goal by communicating with all workers. This way, government official may work like a team pursuing organizational efficiency and the unachieved goals. Keeping insisting on the importance of official training and developing can strengthen the behavior that workers do their own job and keep their promises to the organization, and intensify altruistic acts. Therefore, the organization can advance its competitiveness and practice the organization strategy in the most effective way. 3.Government agencies can get the work-related knowledge and skills through handbooks or bulletin boards. Government agencies can also promote the working efficiency and promising values, and advance the incentives of self-study. Formal written information will help workers think that they can learn more knowledge and skills by work. 4.Social contact plays a very important role in knowledge-sharing media. It can strengthen influence of business identity on efficiency, altruistic acts, and self-learning. 5.Males are more likely to share knowledge in written or technological forms than females. Males also see their efficiency and performances more important and possess higher self-developing incentives. 6.The endeavors differ according to different working years. People who have worked less than 5 years are more likely to work harder that people who have worked over 20 years.


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