  • 學位論文


A Qualitative Research on social workers’ effective helping experiences regarding services for child witness to domestic violence

指導教授 : 鄭佩芬


對於暴露在家庭暴力當中的目睹暴力兒童而言,暴力對他們的影響是相當深刻且劇烈的,他可說是一個生命的斷裂,無法抹滅的傷痛。這個斷裂若無法即時修復與處遇,將會帶給孩子未來深遠的影響。而目睹暴力兒童服務的歷程與內涵,會因著社會工作者對孩子的解讀,以及他們如何看待目睹暴力經驗對孩子的影響,而有所差異。近年,以目睹暴力兒童為主體的服務日趨受到重視,學者及實務工作者亦著力探究在地化的目睹暴力兒童服務模式,而本研究期望針對「有效服務」的經驗及其內涵做一進一步的探究與整理。 本研究以專責提供目睹暴力兒童服務的社會工作者為研究對象,採用質化研究中的深度訪談法來進行資料蒐集,參與者共四位。研究結果顯示,著重系統介入及深度個別輔導的「臨床社會工作」發展取向,特別能夠有效的幫助到這一群受到嚴重認知及情緒創傷的目睹暴力孩童。而所謂「有效」,特別關注案主的自我感受,案主覺得有被幫助到,且不論是案主的改變亦或社會工作者所提供的服務,皆應符合案主的意願及需求。有效服務標的,包含:一、自我概念的重塑與形成;二、對創傷經驗有重新的詮釋;三、能掌握情緒並得以抒發;四、發展出的因應策略能運用至生活當中;五、家庭互動關係改善;六、案主的生態系統能予其正向的支持。有效的處遇原則含括:社會工作者需有高度的自我覺察能力、互為主體的工作關係、以兒少為主體的工作模式、相信孩子有自我改變的力量。 而為能有效的協助到案主,研究結果建議有:一、應提供目睹暴力孩童長期的陪伴,建立穩定的依附關係,才能夠修復創傷達到療癒的效果;二、持續的倡議工作,以促進社會對目睹暴力兒童有不同的看見。


A child who has witnessed and been exposed to domestic violence is greatly and severely influenced, which can be described as a chasm in life that cannot be closed. If such a chasm is not fixed in an immediate fashion, a child witness to violence will suffer from a permanent impact. How a child experiences and is influenced by domestic violence may be interpreted differently by different social workers. In recent years, help those children as independent subject service for child witness to domestic violence has become more emphasized. Academics and practitioners are also putting more effort into further studies on localizing service models for child witnesses, while this study aims to further define and identify the approach to effective service. This study focuses on social workers who work with child witnesses. With qualitative research methods and in-depth interviews, we have gathered data from four participants. The results indicate that clinical social work that emphasizes intervening in ecological systems and in-depth individual counseling can most effectively assist child witnesses who suffer from severe cognitive and emotional trauma. The term “effectiveness” mainly describes the effect on the clients’ feelings: they need to feel helped, and both the service provided and how the clients change must be willingly accepted and must fulfill the clients’ needs. Effectiveness indicators are as follows: 1. The reshaping and the forming of self-concept. 2. New interpretations for traumatizing experiences. 3. Capability of controlling emotions and expressing. 4. Development and utilization of coping strategies in life. 5. Improvement of family interaction. 6. Positive support from the clients’ ecological system. An effective treatment must meet the following criteria: Social workers involved must have a strong self-concept, must apply an intersubjective approach with their clients, center their approach on children and believe that children are highly capable of changing themselves. To effectively assist clients, the results suggest the following: 1. Child witnesses to violence must be provided with long-term companionship and a stable bond must be established in order for them to recover from trauma. 2. Advocacy must be continued so that child witnesses to violence can be more visible to society.


