  • 學位論文

探討具有Web 2.0特性的社群網站-無名小站的服務品質與交易成本對顧客忠誠度之影響

The Customer’s Loyalty of a Social Network Site with Web 2.0 Characteristics – An Empirical Study of Taiwan’s Wretch Site

指導教授 : 林秋娟
共同指導教授 : 劉維仁


在這網路時代裡,服務項目可說是千百種,尤其是最近幾年所提出的Web 2.0的概念,更是讓全球颳起一片旋風,而與Web 2.0相關的服務,更是有如雨後春筍般出現,舉凡Wiki百科、Youtube等網站,閱覽人數成長之驚人程度也可從報章雜誌中窺知ㄧ二;而國內知名擁有Web 2.0特性的網站非無名小站莫屬了,無名小站亦是國內最大的社群網站,也吸引了雅虎奇摩以2千2百萬美金(約7億1千2百萬台幣)收購其入旗下,無名小站因此成為雅虎奇摩百分之百持股的公司,此樁收購案可視為雅虎力圖強化Web 2.0服務的舉動之一。而在Web 2.0引起網路另一波熱潮後,被大企業收購成了許多新創公司的經營目的。因此,本研究探討具有Web 2.0特性之社群網站的服務品質與交易成本對顧客忠誠度之影響-以無名小站為例。 本研究於民國97年3月份在http://my3q.com進行網路問卷之發放,以便利抽樣法進行抽樣,經一個月之回收與催收,總計共發放1013份,回收912份問卷,故整體有效問卷回收率為90.0%。研究對象為無名小站使用族群。經因素分析、階層迴歸等結果來驗證本研究之假設。 本研究發現:1.網站的服務品質越好,顧客的網路忠誠度越高;2.使用者使用時所產生的交易成本越低,顧客的網路忠誠度越高;3.在服務品質與交易成本的交互作用對忠誠度之影響方面,只有科技適合性與時間效率的交互作用對網路忠誠度有顯著影響。


In the Internet society, there are thousands of service projects, in particular the concept of Web 2.0 that has been proposed recent years. Web2.0 becomes popular overwhelmingly, and services that affiliate with Web2.0 occur rapidly such as Wikipedia and YouTube that can be seen viewers of websites e has grown dramatically by reading newspapers and magazines. Wretch that which has the property of Web 2.0 is one of famous domestic websites as well as the largest domestic SNS. In addition, Wretch attracts Yahoo to purchase it by 2,200 million U.S. Dollar (approximately 7 hundred million 1,200 million Taiwanese dollars); thus, Yahoo holds completely stocks of Wretch. This purchase is considered that Yahoo tries to strengthen Web 2.0 service. After an upsurge of internet was arisen by Web2.0, the purpose of operating of young businesses is to be purchased by enterprises. This research studies the quality of service and the influence of transaction cost on consumers’ loyalty of SNS that has the property of Web2.0: Wretch This research began sending network survey to facilitate sampling in http://my3q.com in March, the 97th year of the Republic of China. After one month retrieve, the total retrieved surveys are 912 that includes 101 invalid surveys. The volume of whole valid surveys is 90.0%. The testees in this study are people who use Wretch. According to results of factor analysis and stratum return, the assumption of this research can be confirmed. The research discovers: 1. When the quality of services of websites is better, customer's loyalty of websites becomes higher; 2. If the transaction cost is lower when users use, their loyalty of websites will be higher; 3. Among the effect of correlation of the quality of services and the transaction cost, the correlation of technical compatibility and the efficiency of time is the only influence on loyalty of the network.


4. 江旻峻 (民96)。Web 2.0時代網路發展策略—從整合性關係建立網站之觀點出發。大學商學研究所碩士論文,未出版,台北。
26. 陳品均(民95) Web 2.0應用服務策略行動之研究-以Yahoo!、Google、MSN為例,國立台灣大學商學研究所碩士論文,未出版,台北。
34. 簡國華(民 93) 服務品質、關係品質、交易成本對於顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度的影響-以中國移動通信為例,淡江大學國際貿易學系碩士論文,未出版,台北。
1. 王鉦勻 (民95)。網路使用者的分享行為及社群忠誠度對於Web 2.0網站使用意願影響之研究—以無名小站為例。中央大學企業管理研究所碩士論文,未出版,桃園。
17. 洪玉茹(民93) 拍賣網站消費者之信任與忠誠度研究:以交易成本理論觀點探討。國立成功大學國際企業研究所碩博士班碩士論文,未出版,台南。
