  • 學位論文


Design and Performance Evaluation of a Load-Adjustment Policy for Dynamic Load Balancing on Grid Environments

指導教授 : 林金鋒


格網計算的目標就是透過動態式蒐集可用的分散資源來調節資源分享,在台灣格網計算學會,連結了許多國內大學以及國家高速網路與計算中心,共同建置了一個國家格網計算實驗平台。在本論文中,我們研究以及設計開發一個動態式的格網負載平衡機制,我們著重於在異質性的格網系統中開發一動態式負載平衡策略。我們所提出的方法為簡稱LAPoG的動態式負載平衡方法。此方法可監控系統負載的工作量以及可依據格網環境的改變進而自動調整參數,並且我們藉由美國NASA的NAS Grid Benchmark程式測試,証明我們提出的動態式負載平衡策略,運用於格網環境中可以達到不錯的效能。


The goal of Grid Computing is to coordinate resource sharing among dynamic collections of individuals, institutions, and resources. In Taiwan Unigrid project, it connects many colleges and National Center for High-Performance Computing (NCHC) to build “An Experiment Platform of National Computing Grid”. In this thesis, we investigate to design and develop a grid load balancing mechanism on grid architecture. We focus on dynamic load balancing policies for heterogeneous grid system. The proposed scheduling policy, a Load-Adjustment Policy for Dynamic Load Balancing on Grid environments (LAPoG), monitors the incoming workload and self-adjusts its balancing parameters according to changes in the grid environment. We show that the proposed load balancing policy based on statistical information derived from recent workload history has good performance for grid environments by examine NAS Grid Benchmark.


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