  • 學位論文


Image Classification and Construction of Sediment Disaster Assessment Model by Using Simplified Fuzzy Adaptive Resonance Theory Map

指導教授 : 陳怡睿


台灣本身地形多山,且地處歐亞大陸板塊與菲律賓板塊交界,導致山區地形多陡峭、地文條件不佳,時常發生地震;另又處在颱風行進的路徑上,導致夏季時常有颱風發生,造成豪雨侵襲。颱風帶來的集中性豪雨,加上降雨位置若位於地勢陡峭的坡地地區,就很容易發生山崩、土石流及洪水等土砂災害。造成土砂災害的原因有很多,可分為潛因(如地質、地形、水文等)及誘因(如降雨、地震、人為因素等);而土砂災害發生之潛在原因除了自然因子(例如:地質、高程及坡度等)外,坡地利用開發也是影響山崩的重要因素之一。 本研究選擇台東縣內之土砂災害集水區(太麻里溪、知本溪)作為研究範圍,並以颱風侵襲前後衛星影像為原始資料來源。本研究以簡單模糊適應共振理論映射應用於高解析度衛星影像之分類判釋,所判釋之因子包括水域、果樹、建物、森林、草地、裸露地、水田、旱田、道路及河道等10個項目。研究中並利用地理資訊系統將判釋分類與現調結果擇取八項影響土砂災害之因子(綠覆率、農田植種率、果樹植種率、裸露地、建物密度、道路密度、採礦密度及水保設施保護率),再以簡單模糊適應共振理論映射方法建立坡地利用影響土砂災害之評估模式,並探討坡地開發利用程度、雨量和崩塌與否(及崩塌潛勢)之間的關係,藉以比較不同區域之間的關聯性與差異性。並針對降雨量之差異分別繪製土砂災害潛感圖。 結果顯示本研究所建置的模式在坡地利用引致土砂災害之評估上有不錯的結果,且坡地開發利用程度越高其崩塌發生可能性越大,相對地雨量越高其崩塌發生機會也越大。且比較本研究所繪製之土砂災害潛感圖與前人所調查圈繪之崩塌地圖層,顯示某些崩塌地的位置與部分危險度高的位置相重疊。最後本研究亦針對災害防治重點區域進行判定。


Located on the border between Eurasian Plate and Philippine Plate, Taiwan is a mountainous island with steep terrains, poor physiographic conditions and frequent earthquake activities. Moreover, being on the path of typhoon, the island is often battered by typhoons bringing torrential rains in summer season. If dumped on the steep slope land areas, the deluge brought by typhoons can easily trigger sediment disasters such as landslides, mudflows and floods. The known causes of sediment disasters can be divided into latent factors (such as geography, topography, hydrology, etc.) and inducing factors (like rainfalls, earthquakes, human factors, and so on). In addition to natural factors (such as geography, elevation, inclination and others), the potential causes of sediment disasters also include the development and use of slope land, which might induce landslides. The scope of this study covered the water catchment area where sediment disasters frequently occur (Taimali River, Jhihben River) in Taitung County. The raw data of this study were obtained from the satellite images before and after typhoons. A Simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP was applied to the classification interpretation of high-resolution satellite images. There were 10 factors to be interpreted such as waters, fruit trees, buildings, forests, grassland, exposed land, rice paddies, dry farmland, roads and river courses. Based on the results of the interpretation classification and field investigations, 8 affecting factors (ratio of green cover, planting rate of rice field, planting rate of fruit trees, exposed land, building density, road density, mining density and the protection rate of water conservation facilities) to sediment disasters were selected using a geography information system. After that, an assessment model for the influence of slope land development and use on sediment disasters was constructed using Simplified Fuzzy ARTMAP to further explore the relations between the level of slope land development and use, rainfall and landslide (and landslide potential), and to compare the correlations and differences between different areas. Additionally, a sediment disaster susceptibility map was mapped out for different precipitations. The results showed that the model built in this study performed very well in the assessment of the sediment disasters induced by slope land development and use, and that the higher the level of slope land development, the greater the chance of landslides. Furthermore, overlaps were found between the landslide susceptibility map drawn in this study and those put forth in other studies in some of the landslide locations and high-risk areas. Lastly, this study also attempted to judge on which areas should be prioritized for the disaster prevention work.


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