  • 學位論文


A Study of Operation Status of Publicly-Owned and Publicly-Managed Experimental Schools -Take three Experimental Elementary Schools A Study of Operation Status of Publicly-Owned and Publicly-Managed Experimental Schools-Take three Experimental Elementary Schools in Tainan for Example

指導教授 : 林秋娟


由於傳統公立學校受到國民教育法令及課綱之限制,學校經營未必符合家長之期待,而家長在考慮兒童最佳受教權益的情形下,擁有自由選擇符合兒童性向、興趣的教育型態及就學環境的權利,教育選擇權已成為近年教育改革的重要課題。 本研究旨在探討實驗教育三法通過後,臺南市三所轉型為公辦公營實驗小學之辦學現況。首先由文獻分析法探討學校型態實驗教育之理念內涵,了解目前我國學校型態實驗教育的實施現況。其次,以臺南市105學年度轉型之實驗小學作為研究對象,並以校長為訪談主角,藉以瞭解其轉型為實驗學校之過程及挑戰。本研究以質性研究方法進行,主要以深度訪談法為主,輔以文獻分析將所蒐集資料加以分析歸納。 本研究獲致結果歸納如下: 一、 在實驗教育三法通過後,台南市政府通過三所公立小學轉型為實驗小學,轉型後得排除現行法令及體制限制,依據特定理念辦理學校型態實驗教育。七股區光復生態實驗小學以「海洋生態、藝文美學」為課程主軸,發展全人教育。仁德區虎山實驗小學以建立一所「Eco School」生態小學為目標,善用虎山糖廠生態發展課程。新化區口埤實驗小學結合社區豐富自然資源與西拉雅原住民文化,讓學生多元探索學習。 二、 在轉型實驗學校之前後,三所學校領導者所面臨的問題是:同仁因不瞭解制度或因制度轉變而產生疑慮及抗拒心態,領導者必須不斷地與其溝通、協調,並適當地指導成員方向與作法,凝聚共識與向心力。學校行政人員要有實力打造優質學校,需有持續學習的態度,可嘗試發展「學習型學校」,學校行政主管如校長、各處室主任、組長等應轉型為學習者、探索者與溝通者的角色,以利學校成員間的合作與學習。 三、 教育改革的成功與否,取決於教師是否能夠用全新的角度看事情,並以多元的方式來教學,學生也才能夠突破傳統以背誦為主的學習,轉化為更深層的多元智能學習活動,這也是實驗學校的精神所在。學校教師必須跳脫以往「老師怎樣教」的思考,轉化到「學生如何學」的觀點,學校及教育當局宜建立教師專業成長社群,提供教學資源,強化教師在職進修,兼重教學與課程研發能力的養成。 四、 人力、物力資源對於一所學校的經營相當重要,學校如善加利用,除可迅速提升辦學之績效外,尚能建立學校良好的公共關係。資源統整係實驗學校經營的重要策略,讓資源綿延不盡地進入學校,充分為學校所用。學校可整合或連結校內外,例如與他校、大學、產業界、社區機關(構)建立策略聯盟,舉行各種校內、外會議或活動,亦可運用教育行政機關現有教學資源網站及新型態的媒體,以使校內、外訊息快速流通


Subject to limitations of National Education Act and Grade 1-9 Curriculum Guidelines, traditional public schools find it hard to meet parents’ expectation. However, parents are free to choose the type of education based on the best interest of their children in accordance with children’s personalities and gender tendencies and etc. “Educational Choice” has become the most vital issue for recent educational reforms. This study aims to discuss the current status of three publicly-owned and publicly-managed elementary schools in Tainan after “Three-Type Acts of Experimental Education” were adopted. Central concepts of school-based experimental education will be explored from document analysis to understand the implementation status of this new educational system. Then, experimental elementary schools which were transformed in 2016 will be the main subjects of this study (principals as the major interviewee). The purpose is to understand the process and challenges during the transformation period. With qualitative research method adopted, this study focuses on in-depth interview supplemented by document analysis to obtain study results. The results will be summarized as: First, after the “Three-Type Acts of Experimental Education” were passed, three public elementary schools were approved by Tainan City Government to transform into experimental schools. This new type of schools can be operated based on special philosophy without subject to current legal and systematic limitations. At Guangfu Elementary Schools of Cigu District, “Marine Ecology and Art Aesthetics” serves as central ideas of its curriculum design in order to develop holistic education. Hushan Experimental Elementary of RenDe District sets its goal as becoming an “Eco School” by adopting ecology courses developed by Hushan Sugar Factory. Also KouPe Experimental Elementary School of Sinhua District combines rich natural resources at community and Siraya aboriginal culture from which students can involve in diversified ways of learning. Second, at the threshold of transformation, school leaders did face a series of challenges. For examples, colleagues were resistant to changes, so leaders must consistently communicate with them to ensure everyone has common goals. Administrative staff shall not stop learning while school executives like principals, directors and team chief should transform themselves into a learner, explorer and communicator to facilitate cooperation among all school members. The final goal is that schools can become ones that actually learn. Third, whether educational reforms are successful depends on how teachers see things. Can they have a new perspective and engage in innovative and diversified teaching? Can students learn not by memorizing but multiple intelligence activities instead? After all, the major purpose of experimental education is that teachers have to realize what really matters is how students learn, not how they teach. It’s also suggested that education authorities and schools can establish a professional growth community for teachers to obtain teaching resources, reinforce on-the-job training. As a result, they are capable of developing courses. The final point is that human resources are as important to the operation of a school as material ones. These resources can be utilized to promote schools’ performance rapidly and further build up a good public relationship. Resources integration is one of the most important strategies for running an experimental school. Continuous inflow of resources from external world can be poured into needed places internally. To facilitate information exchanges, schools can establish a strategic relationship with other schools, universities, industries, and communities, hold a variety of on-campus and off-campus activities and use teaching resources website and other new media.


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