  • 學位論文


Volunteers’ elderly mental health literacy survey research in Tainan community

指導教授 : 張菊惠




心理健康素養 汙名化 老人


Objective: Enhanced mental health literacy is thought to confer a range of benefits: prevention, early recognition and intervention, and reduction of stigma associated with mental illness. To assess the community volunteers' elderly mental health literacy, and the related factors. Methods: A cross-sectional survey. The sample of 133 individuals. Using self-administered questionnaires to collect data, questionnaire for authorized translation of the COMPAS in Canada. The questionnaire includes recognition of mental disorders; attribution of causes; attitudes of treatments, and of prognosis; stigma; beliefs of promote mental health; mental health knowledge. Results: Community volunteers up to 92.0% for recognition of depression, but recognition of dementia is only 72.3%. Binary logistic regression analysis showed that gender of subjects is a correlative factor of recognition of depression. Recognition of the female subjects is significantly better (p<0.001, OR=22.97). Gender of vignette is a correlative factor of recognition of dementia. Female of vignette is significantly poorer (p<0.05, OR=5.33), and the college is significantly better (p<0.05, OR=5.33). The multiple factors result in causes Psychological factors result in depression (71.40%), the biomedical (37.10%) and psychosocial factors (50.10%) result in dementia. Conclusion: The level of depression recognition of community volunteers’ is very good, and they have more positive attitude. The dementia vignette of women is often mistaken for depression. Gender of subjects is the impact factors of recognition of depression. Gender of vignette and the level of education is the impact factors of recognition of dementia. There is a correlation between attribution of causes and treatment methods. Maintain positive relationships with friends and family (63.7%), and good exercise habits (61.9%) is the promotion of mental health.


mental health literacy stigma elderly


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