  • 學位論文


The Study on Airside Controller Model in Airport

指導教授 : 黃泰林
共同指導教授 : 陳春益(Chuen-Yih Chen)


機場地勤服務中,航務處扮演著管理與督導的角色,為機場空側管理之中樞。航務處業務涵蓋範圍極廣,並可協助讓航機的起降更為順暢有序,從航廈空橋之後的停機坪到機場最邊際之所有區域,皆為航務處(組)所管轄,因此如何有效率地指派航務人員,並兼顧航務人員疲勞等身心理因素之考量,將能有效提升機場地勤作業之服務品質,此已成為機場航務部門的重要管理課題。 本研究以桃園機場公司-航務處之立場,考慮航務人員人數、法規限制工作時數與職責差別等相關影響因素,並納入航務人員疲勞值之考量,據以建構航務人員月班表指派模式,期能提供航務處作為航務人員指派之參考依據。 最後,本研究根據實證分析結果得知,當航務人員人數規模為13人時,較符合本研究所考量之相關限制因素,亦為不同疲勞函數斜率組合及基本工時各水準測試下,較其他人數規模下有較低之目標值,同時能避免超時工作或其他不當指派作業之情形,更可提高機坪工作安全及人員指派效率,而本研究成果期能提供桃園機場公司-航務處於未來在人員指派作業上之參考依據。


航務人員 指派 疲勞值


In the ground service, Airside Management Department is a supervisory. Airside Management Department is extremely large. The assignment efficiency can help the aircraft take off and landing more smoothly and orderly. From the apron to the airport's marginal area, all the jurisdiction of the Airport Department , So how to efficient designate the Airside Controller, and take into the fatigue of the Airside Controller psychological factors into consideration, so as to enhance the quality of ground services, has become a Taoyuan International Airport Corporation - Airside Management of the important issues. In this study, based on the position of the Taoyuan International Airport Corporation - Airside Management Department on the number of Airside Controller, the regulations of working hour and the differences of job function, and also take care on fatigue to build up the best model on the Airside Controller for the goal of the best cost on human resource. Look forward it could be the reference for the Taoyuan International Airport Corporation - Airside Management Department. Finally, based on the results of this study that when the size of total number of Airside Controller in the 13, taking into consideration the different functions of fatigue limit values as will as the cost of labor hours obtained better target research results. Hoping the study can provide Taoyuan International Airport Corporation - Airside Management Department of future planning Airside Controller and personal assigned of each task class reference to the job of the table.


Airside Controller Assignment Fatigue


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