  • 學位論文


A Study of Critical Success Factors for Servitization of Traditional Manufacturing in Taiwan

指導教授 : 劉家銘


由於經濟的高度發展,製造業推動服務化演進,因應服務業的快速成長,已是勢在必行。本研究針對台灣傳統製造業服務化為主要議題,國內專家學者對於「製造業服務化」研究文獻尚多;但對於「傳統製造業服務化」,能深入探討者相對極少。 台灣傳統製造業在台灣經濟發展史上,轟轟烈烈扮演過舉足輕重角色,現時代變遷,其重要性已不復往昔,台灣傳統製造業多屬中小企業型態,2010年中小企業業家數124萬7千多家,佔全部企業97.68%,觀察近6年來,製造業佔中小企業家數比率,逐年下滑,目前,製造業家數僅12萬9千多家,佔全部10.42%,又根據調查,中小企業跨足服務業領域僅24.3%,可見台灣傳統製造業能重視服務化,付之實施者並不多。 本研究透過個案深度訪談,利用內容分析法(Content analysis),以質性方式來蒐集和分析資料,並探討關鍵成功要素(Critical success factors),建構命題,希望有助台灣傳統製造業推動服務化之參酌。


Owing to highly developed economy, the main trend of manufacturing industry moving toward servitization was obvious. This research mainly discussed the servitization of traditional manufacturing industry in Taiwan, though many domestic researches focused on “servitization”, it lacks of deeper contemplation upon “servitization of traditional manufacturing industry.” The traditional manufacturing industry once played an extremely significant role in the history of Taiwan’s economy. However, as the time goes by, it is no longer as important as before. Most companies in Taiwan’s traditional manufacturing industry were middle and small-sized enterprises. In 2010, there were 1.247 million middle and small-sized enterprises, which accounts for 97.68% of all companies. In recent six years, the proportion of manufacturing companies in the middle and small-sized enterprise dropped year by year through observation, and currently only 129 thousand manufacturers in the middle and small-sized companies. Besides, according to survey, only 24.3% of middle and small-sized companies stepped into service field, which shows that regardless of planning or practice, traditional manufacturing industry in Taiwan not yet laid stress on servitization. Based on in-depth interview with cases, this research gathered and analyzed data in a qualitative way with content analysis, and further discussed the critical success factors to construct the statement, with expectations to make some referential opinions for Taiwan’s traditional manufacturing industry moving toward servitization.


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