  • 學位論文


To Explore the Female Spouses of Terminally-illed Cancer Patients Anticipatory Grief Experiences

指導教授 : 林俐伶


本研究目的為探討女性配偶照顧癌末丈夫的預期性哀傷經驗。研究設計以現象學研究法進行,採半結構式的訪談指引進行深度訪談及以臨床觀察的方式進行資料收集。於民國九十六年八月至九十七年一月,以立意取樣的方式於南部某區域教學醫院安寧病房進行收案,直至資料飽和為止,共訪談八位癌末病人之女性配偶。研究結果涵蓋四個主題及十四個類組:一、面對預期性失落的感受:(一)死亡焦慮、(二)預期性哀傷反應;二、雙重角色下的互動經驗:(一)生活重心的改變、(二)相處時的壓力感、(三)彼此情緒的牽引、(四)成為安慰者的角色;三、進入末期照顧的心路歷程:(一)疑惑丈夫罹癌的真實性、(二)病在夫身,痛在我心、(三)寧可放手,讓他不再受苦、(四)感受醫療的有限性,尋求神助、(五)後事的預備;四、壓力調節策略:(一)支持的來源、(二)壓力紓解方式、(三)獨自承擔壓力,擔心家人受影響。 研究結果將有助於護理人員瞭解女性配偶預期性哀傷的經驗,進而可以提供適時及立即性的協助,並善用預期性哀傷者的支持系統及安寧團隊的資源,協助配偶在照顧丈夫的過程中壓力及情緒的抒發,而減少身心症的發生。


The purpose of this study was to explore anticipatory grief experiences among women who cared for their terminally-illed cancer husbands. A phenomenological method was adopted, and a semi-structural interview guild was used in data collection through in-depth interviews and clinical observations processes from August, 2007 to January, 2008. Eight participants were recruited from a hospice ward of a regional teaching hospital through purposive sampling. Four themes and fourteen categories were found. First of all, coping with the feeling of anticipatory loses, includes: 1. death anxiety, and 2. anticipatory grief reactions. Second, the interactive experiences within double roles, includes: 1. the change of the life core, 2. the stress of being together with, 3. the emotional influence between one another, and 4. becoming the role of comforter. Third, the journey of entering the terminally-illed, includes: 1. the doubt about the authenticity of her husband suffered from cancer, 2. husband physically gets sick, wife gets hurt psychologically, 3. rather let him go, than let him suffer, 4. feeling of the medical finiteness, and seeking God’s help, and 5. preparation of funeral affairs. Fourth, the strategies of coping with stress, includes: 1. supporting resources, 2. the ways of relieving, and 3. undertaking stress all alone and worrying about her family members get affected. The finding will help nurses to understand female spouses’ anticipatory grief experiences. Furthermore, nurses can provide assistances timely and promptly for them. The nurses can also help female spouses by using their supporting systems and the resources from hospice team in order to reduce their stresses and physical distress.




