  • 學位論文

Supersymmetry Breaking and Phenomenology : Naturalness and Fine-tuning

超對稱破壞及其現象學 : 自然性與精細微調

指導教授 : 張敬民


In this thesis, we mainly focus on the understanding of little hierarchy problem in Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model(MSSM). We study mirage and deflected mirage mediations of supersymmetry breaking. We investigate several parameter space and find some regions with small fine-tuning. It indicates that little hierarchy problem could be solved around these small fine-tuning region. For these regions, we also input the some experimental constraints such as Br(B −→ Xs)E>1.6GeV , muon magnetic moment, and the dark matter. Furthermore, the naturalness problem can be explained if the explicit model can be built around the regions we find and these two mediations should be interesting for the model buildings in string theory.


超對稱 海市蜃樓 階層 自然性 精細微調


在這篇論文中,我們主要了解在最小超對稱標準模型(MSSM)中的小階層問題(little hierarchy problem)。我們研究了兩個超對稱破壞的機制,分別是海市蜃樓傳達機制(mirage mediation)與偏轉海市蜃樓傳達機制(deflected mirage mediation)。我們研究了這些模型的參數空間,發現了一些符合實驗限制且又能解決小階層問題的理想參數空間。實驗限制方面,我們利用 ,渺子磁矩(muon magnetic moment)以及暗物質(dark matter)來限制參數空間。最後我們了解到假如一個模型可以建構在這些參數空間,則自然性問題就可以獲得解決,而且這樣的參數空間對於弦論模型的了解也是相當有趣的。


Supersymmetry Mirage Hierarchy Naturalness fine-tuning


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