  • 學位論文


Efficiency Analysis of a Single-Phase AC/DC Converter and its Power Decoupling Circuit

指導教授 : 鄭博泰


本篇論文針對三種具有低頻漣波電流補償電路的單相交流/直流轉換器作損失的分析。在單相與市電並聯的系統中,二倍頻的脈動功率為最重要的議題之一,傳統的解決方法為使用大容值的電解質電容,然而一般應用於太陽能發電系統中的單相直流/交流轉換器對於壽命的要求非常高,如果使用電解質電容可能會縮短整體轉換器的壽命,而沒辦法達到轉換器所要求的壽命年限,因此使用主動濾波電路逐漸成為了一種趨勢,此種電路架構透過功率解耦電路來補償單相交流/直流轉換時產生的二倍頻功率,可有效的將二倍頻的功率透過功率解耦電路儲存至功率解耦之儲能電容,而降低直流側濾波電容的容值,因此直流側濾波電容及功率解耦電路上的儲能電容皆可使用薄膜電容來取代,此外,功率解耦電路採用同步開關的操作模式,整體電路具有雙向功率傳輸的能力,對於交流/直流轉換的系統,使用上更是便利。 由於功率解耦電路會造成額外的損失,因此本文將針對電感上的銅損、鐵損、開關元件的導通損及切換損失作量化的分析,估計在不同切換頻率和平均工作週期下的平均功率損失,透過分析的結果來選用最適合的開關元件及操作點,藉以提升整體電路的效率。本論文中會先對功率解耦電路之電路架構及工作原理作介紹,並在功率解耦電路能夠完全補償低頻功率的條件下,針對開關及電感的功率損失作詳盡的說明,最後透過實驗的結果來驗證損失分析的精確度。


This thesis compares three kinds of power decoupling circuits of single phase AC/DC converters .The converters have Power factor correction and bidirectional power flow capability and compensate the pulsating power at twice the grid frequency by power decoupling circuits. In order to improve the overall efficiency of DC/AC converter, an overall power loss analysis was conducted. The proposed methods compensate the pulsating power at twice the grid frequency by circulating the reactive power through power decoupling capacitor; the capacitance which used in dc bus can be eliminated. The elaborate calculation of conduction loss, switching loss, reverse recovery loss, copper loss, and core loss are presented to give a quantitative analysis of power loss, through losses analysis to choose the suitable switches and use optimal inductance to improve efficiency. This thesis will explain the principles of operations of the proposed methods, and experimental results will also be presented for validation.


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the full bridge converters in considered magnetic
