  • 學位論文


A Systematic Methodology to Improve the Virtual Outsourcing Operation Management System of the Semiconductor Industry

指導教授 : 劉志明


現今的半導體產業分工細密,彼此的作業關係密切且環環相扣。因此,如何規劃及改善整個供應鏈管理體系的運作效率,以期降低業務循環週期並彈性因應產業快速變化的特性,充分滿足顧客需求,為當今半導體產業非常重要的課題。 本研究主要的目的在透過一”系統化分析的改善方法”,藉由案例公司既有的系統,探討半導體產業供應鏈的營運管理,以期建構一個高績效的虛擬委外代工營運管理系統。此高績效的虛擬委外代工營運管理為結合前段的晶圓代工製造服務公司(Foundry Service)和後段的封裝(Assembly)及測試(Testing)業者之間的互動,形成上下游供應鏈之間緊密且完整的運作體系,並透過資訊共享及流程簡化提高整體價值鏈。 本論文所提出的”系統化分析的改善方法”,定義了四個步驟: (1). 系統化的描述企業策略地圖,定義關鍵性流程,使企業的各個組織能配合此系統的導入。 (2). 運用平衡計分卡,設定目標及建立績效指標,根據目標擬定行動方案及規劃系統。 (3). 透過企業的資訊資本齊備度分析,藉以瞭解企業目前的資訊系統能力與目標之間的差異,進行補強。 (4). 就高複雜度的虛擬委外代工營運管理系統,運用流程分析工具ARIS (Architecture of Integrated Information System,整合性資訊架構),透過ARIS四個構面的分析,完整的描述此系統運作流程,並作為系統改善及提升的方向。 本研究不但建構一個高績效的虛擬委外代工營運管理系統,同時,此一系列系統化分析的改善方法也可以成為將來其他研究或是企業參考的準則。


Today’s semiconductor industry is finely divided into different sections, which have very intricate relationships, and each section relies on other sections. How to improve the operational efficiency of the entire supply chain system, how to reduce the cycle time and how to handle the industries dynamics to fulfill customer needs are important problems in the industry. This research aims to use a systematic analysis and improvement methodology to study a company’s current system and investigate supply chain operation and management of the semiconductor industry. The focus is to construct a high performance virtual outsourcing operation and management system, which can be used to integrate foundry, assembly, and testing services and form a complete upstream/downstream link in the supply chain. Then, through the sharing of information and the simplification of processes, more value can be added to the supply chain. The systematic analysis and improvement methodology includes four phases: 1) Describe enterprise strategies and roadmaps, and identify key processes in a systematic way to allow all the units within an enterprise to work together for the introduction of a new system. 2) Utilize the balanced scorecard to set goals and establish performance indices. Then propose action plans based on the goals and do the necessary planning for the system. 3) Analyze the completeness of an enterprise’s current information infrastructure to know the current ability of the information system and to find the gap between the goal and the current ability for improvement. 4) Use the analytic tool, ARIS, to study a complex virtual outsourcing operation and management system and to improve the performance of the system through four views provided by ARIS. This research not only aims to propose a methodology for establishing a high performance virtual outsourcing operation and management system, it can also be used to analyze and construct other systems in an enterprise or a supply chain.


