  • 學位論文


A Regulatory Framework for Cryptographic Assets Based on Distributed Ledger Technology

指導教授 : 林勤富




Cryptographic assets based on distributed ledger technologies and cryptographic technologies have brought many emerging risks due to their unique technical and economic characteristics, among which, the risk of consumer and investor protection, the risk of money laundering and financial terrorism are the most important. This paper examines how Bitcoin creates a “trustless trust” architecture and applies it to existing “intermediary trust” architectures in various parts of society, and discusses how the Ethereum blockchain creates new decentralized applications by its smart contract feature. Various crypto-assets activities such as issuance, custody, transfer, asset management and trading also create different levels of regulatory challenges. This paper also conducts analysis on how the regulatory frameworks of major countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom and Japan have tackled the aforementioned challenges, evaluates the strengths and weaknesses of their regulatory frameworks, as well as discusses the positioning of the spectrum of policy choices in different countries. In addition, this paper also reflects a comprehensive overview on the current regulatory landscape in Taiwan with the angle on the potential regulatory issues and further identifies which the regulatory approaches can best serve as a good reference for establishing a new framework with different stages and levels of controls.


1. 專書
法蘭西斯・福山(Francis Fukuyama)著,李宛蓉譯(2014),《信任—社會德性與經濟繁榮》,二版。
