  • 學位論文


Performing Gender through Voguing Dance in Group Counseling: An Action Research

指導教授 : 吳怡珍


受女性主義興起的影響,社會上越來越重視性別議題,但仍有許多需要持續努力的地方。研究者梳理國內研究後,期望能將敘事治療中建構、解構、再建構的概念結合性別展演理論,搭配在多元性別發展歷史中孕育出的Voguing舞蹈發展多元性別能共同參與的諮商團體,並促進成員「覺察性別意識」、「形塑性別認同」、「發展性別協商能力」。 研究者採用Lewin的行動研究模式,設計為期8週,每週1次,每次2小時的團體方案,並招募到3位生理女性成員、3為生理男性成員。研究資料包含觀察紀錄、成員回饋、研究日誌、錄音與逐字稿與錄影紀錄,經由三角校正檢核與不斷反覆改寫後,用主題類別的方式進行分析與呈現。 首先,性別意識覺察的部份,研究發現成員受到社會原有性別架構中的性別框架影響,隱含著害怕跟他人不同以及成為孝順子女的自我期許。不過,當成員選擇與因性別框架協商時,常以手的肢體部位作為表達自我的方式。 其次,形塑性別認同的部份,研究發現成員戲仿性別展演行為時可能會有焦慮感,但大部分成員都能藉由Voguing舞蹈的展演,更自在的探索自我想要的性別,甚至有一位成員在團體中確認了自我為無性別。 第三,發展性別協商能力的部分,研究發現成員透過參與團體發展出降低他人影響或提升自我內在的聲音的性別協商方法,加以轉化或抵抗社會原有性別架構中的性別框架。 最後,基於研究結果與發現,研究者對實務工作者及未來研究提出具體建議。


This action research aims to explore how Voguing Dance in gender group counseling promotes members to “enhance Gender Sensitivity”, “explore Gender Identity” and “construct of Gender Negotiation Skills”. According to Lewin's Action Research Model, this research combines Theory of Performativity and Narrative Therapy to design 8 group counseling sessions—one session every week and each session takes 2 hours. This study recruits 3 female and 3 male members. Research data include observational field notes, reflection journals, recorded videos and interview transcript and all of the data have been analyzed through the thematic analysis. Research results are as follows: 1. Enhance Gender Sensitivity: Gender Frame affects members’ behavior because they fear to be different or are willing to practice filial piety. Therefore, they use varied forms of hands movements when they perform as a way to display their identity. 2. Explore Gender Identity: At first, members feel anxious when requested to perform their gender. However, through Voguing Dance, they feel more comfortable and less anxious to express themselves afterwards. What’s worth mentioning is that one of recruited members confirm the gender identity was “zir” rather than a “him” or “her”. 3. Construct of Gender Negotiation Skills: By reducing the influence of others or raising their inner voice, members explore how they negotiate their gender identities with others and how they enhance their confidence in their gender identity so as to reject the gender stereotypes. Based on the results, this study attempts to render recommendations to both the practitioners and researchers in the field.


9,1-54。DOI: 10.6255/JWGS.1998.9.1
