  • 學位論文

徐國能散文研究── 以《第九味》為探究中心

A Study Of Koneng Hsu's Prose - the Ninth Flavor

指導教授 : 黃雅莉


中文提要 徐國能是臺灣新世代散文作家中頗具代表性的一位。他以既古典又現代、既知性和感性並美的散文創作獨樹一幟。本文以徐國能散文集《第九味》為研究對象,探討其散文的精神內涵與藝術價值。並結合徐國能成長經歷與時代背景,分析了其散文所蘊含的文化詩性和生活審美這兩個要素。 全書共分六章:第一章緒論,交代全文的寫作宗旨。第二章主要論述作者的成長軌轍與生命記憶,探究作者成長背景對他創作的影響。第三章主要探究他的飲饌之道,對生活美味的珍惜與與留存。第四章主要探究他從日常生活中所體會的生存智慧和處世之道。第五章主要探究作家的創作心路。第六章結論,總結徐國能散文的詩性審美與思想意蘊,以及對當代散文創作的獨特貢獻。 從全文的探究,可見徐國能散文繼承了古典詩性,在文化靜觀中保持了一位知識分子的理性思考,以淵博的學識、非凡的睿智、超拔的才情和獨特的幽默顯示了自身卓越的文化品味。


Summary Koneng Hsu is one of the most iconic prose writers of the new generation in Taiwan. His prose combines classic and modern elements, featuring a unique writing style that boasts both sense and sensibility . This study focuses on "The Ninth Flavor", Koneng Hsu's prose book, to investigate the spirit and artistic value of his prose. It also deals with the life, and background of this celebrated author, and analyses the poetic culture and everyday life aesthetic aspect of the book. The study divided into 6 chapters. Introduction: to introduce the motivations of the study. Chapter 2: to discuss the life of the author and the momentous events in his life, and how they affected his work in this book. Chapter 3 mainly focuses on his drinking and eating style, and how he cherishes cuisine and reveres it. Chapter 4 studies his philosophy of life and the wisdom he gains from happening in daily life. Chapter 5 focuses on the stories behind the author's writing. Chapter 6 conclues Koneng Hsu's poetic aesthetic and mindset, and his special contribution to modern prose writing. From the study, it can be gleaned that the prose of Koneng Hsu has inherited a classic poetic element. Koneng Hsu shows his mindfulness as an intellectual, a great thinker who demonstrates his strong affinity for his Chinese culture with great knowledge, extraordinary wisdom, and keen sense of humor.


