  • 學位論文


Animals Need Democracy: An Institutionalist Analysis of Animal Protection in China

指導教授 : 林宗弘


動物保護意識無論在全球層次或是國家層次都呈現逐年高漲的趨勢,自1990年後擁有動物保護相關法令的國家開始呈現增長趨勢,尤其集中於西元2000後,顯示著動物保護議題受到越來越多的國家、社會關注,但檢視現今各個國家,彼此間的動物保護發展現況仍然大相逕庭,究竟是什麼因素影響著動物保護的發展,令筆者感到好奇。因此,筆者以World Animal Protection所發布的Animal Protection Index作為依變項,與民主、法治、經濟、動保法與非政府組織等指數作為自變項進行量化分析,並選定了非民主政體的中國作為田野調查地,以深度訪談內容與親身參與 組織活動的經驗,以及媒體資料進行質性分析。   量化分析結果顯示,民主、法治、經濟、動保法與非政府組織都是影響著動物保護發展的因素,除此之外,經濟與動物保護發展呈現環境顧志耐曲線(Environmental Kuznets Curve, EKC),顯示國家在經濟發展過程中會損害動物保護發展,但當經濟成長達到轉折點後,動物保護發展則會開始轉好。同時也發現,當一國的法治指數越高,代表國家落實法律、法條精神的程度更為良好,在這樣的情形之下,動物保護法的存在才更能發揮效用。除此之外,當一國的民主程度越高,代表國家的政治氛圍更為開放自由、更有可能傾聽民意,因此非政府組織的作用才 可能得以更為顯著。   筆者的質性分析也呼應著量化資料的分析結果。從政治面來說,在政治制度難以改革的情形之下,國家壓力會是影響著中國動物保護發展的重要因素,而落實現有法條比起推動新立法更有著力點。經濟面看似能樂觀期待其對動物保護的助益,但仍需積極推動以剝削動物為基的產業轉型。在習近平上台後,無論境內、境外的非政府組織生存環境每下愈況,但組織與個體行動者間若能建立合作關係,能產生的火花仍值得期待。綜而述之,動物若會說話,他們也會高聲呼喊民主化。


There is an upward trend in animal protection all over the world. The number of countries with animal protection laws has been growing since the 1990s, and especially in the 2000s. It depicts that more and more countries are concerned about animal protection. However, there are still many inter-country differences in animal protection laws and practices. This situation makes me curious and willing to investigate and identify the potential factors that influent the development of Animal Protection. So, I conducted quantitative analysis using Animal Protection Index (based on the definition published by World Animal Protection) as dependent variable, and democracy, rule of law, economy, animal protection laws, and the presence of Non-Governmental Organizations as the independent variables. I chose China which is a non-democratic regime as my research field. I used my interviews, experiences in NGOs, and information from reputable media as the sources of information for the qualitative analysis. The quantitative analysis shows that democracy, rule of law, economy, animal protection laws, and Non-Governmental Organizations affect the development of animal protection. Economy and the development of animal protection represents the Environmental Kuznets Curve. It presents a country will harm the development of animal protection during the economic growing, but the development of animal protection will become better after the economy reaches a turning point. In addition, when a country lays emphasis on the rule of law, the existing of animal protection law can function well. Furthermore, when a country is more democratic, the Non-Governmental Organizations can make better influences. The qualitative analysis also supports the results of the quantitative analysis. From political aspect, when it is difficult to reform the political regime, international pressure will be the essential element to affect the development of animal protection in China. Besides, it’s better to enforce the existing laws instead of making new one. From economic aspect, it seems optimistic that the growing of economy is helpful for the development of animal protection, but still needs the animal-exploitation based industries to be transformed. Since Xi Jin-Ping took power, it has become more difficult for Non-Governmental Organizations in China to have influence. Nevertheless, one can expect some cooperation between organizations and individual volunteers. In short, if animals could talk, they would urge for democratic.


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