  • 學位論文


Fascination as a Trick of Love: A Feminist Reading of Laura, Gilda, and Vertigo

指導教授 : 林建國 吳建亨


在父權文化的影響下,性別角色一直是幾十年來備受關注的議題。隨著女權主義理論的進展,女性開始與男性一樣擁有各方面的權力。即便如此,女權主義者似乎沒辦法探討女性在愛情中所扮演的角色,是否能夠鞏固女性主體性的問題。在一段浪漫愛情裡,關於誰應該佔領主導地位存在著許多不確定性,尤其這種狀況會依照每個人的狀態而有所不同,而不是像女權主義者所認為會發生在集體層面之上。從勞拉·墨爾韋( Laura Mulvey) 對於視覺快感 (visual pleasure) 的觀點中,男性和女性之間是建立在凝視者/主體和被凝視者/物體的關係。從這個角度來說,即使女性身處在戀愛關係中,也必定會被視為受害者。然而,女性主義者所忽視的是,迷戀所扮演的角色能夠觸發愛情化學作用,並進一步反轉兩性在戀愛關係中所承擔的位置。這樣的逆轉型態有時候能夠變成女性的優勢。透過 《羅娜秘記》、《巧婦姬黛》、《迷魂記》三部電影,我們可以明顯發現女性的身份並不像墨爾韋所描述的—只是一個凝視的對象,其中所涉及的是互相喜愛和互相操縱以完整一段愛情關係。因此,以女權主義理論為基礎,本篇論文旨在藉由分析男女之間的關係、理解女性如何根據自己的意願追求本身的幸福和滿足感的同時,還能保持自我的尊嚴,以藉此發展並修改女權主義的議程。


性別 迷戀 浪漫愛情 主體性 視覺快感


Influenced by the patriarchal culture, gender roles have been an issue of great concern for decades. With the advancement in feminist theory, women begin to gain their equal footing along with men. Even so, it seems difficult for feminism to discuss the role romantic love may play in consolidating the subjectivity for women. There is so much uncertainty about who should dominate in a romantic relationship, which happens on the individual level, not on the collective one as feminism sees it. In Laura Mulvey’s view on visual pleasure, such a relationship between man and woman is the one between the gazer/subject and the gazed/object. In this light, woman must be seen as a victim, even when she is in a love relation. What has been ignored, however, is the role fascination plays that triggers the love chemistry to reverse the position either gender may assume in the relation. At times, this reversal can work to woman’s advantage. Through the films Laura, Gilda, and Vertigo, it is clear that woman’s identity does not function as what Mulvey describes—that she is a mere gazed object. What is involved is rather the mutual affection and manipulation that complete the love relationship. As a result, still with the feminist theory as my base, I aim to develop and modify the feminist agenda by analyzing the relationship between man and woman and figuring out how woman does not only pursue her own happiness and fulfillment but keeps also her dignity at the same time, when she makes her own decision based on her own will.


Works Cited
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