  • 學位論文


The Study of Industry Analysis on Micro Electro-Mechanical System, Competitive Strategy and Business Model – A case study of M Company

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


微機電系統,MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems)技術發展將近四十餘年,一直在最近十多年來才真正廣泛地應用於消費性電子市場及個人生活應用領域之中,其技術的蓬勃發展,越來越多的感測器陸續產生,因此在微機電產品所具備"功能強大、成本低"的優點,已經廣泛應用於生活周遭之運用,微機電的應用在IC Design產業中,是重要發展研究方向。依分析顯示,MEMS產值成長速度維持二位數成長,許多微機電業者對於未來成長潛力也抱著高度信心,未來在各領域應用程度很廣泛,尤其消費性電子市場的啟用、穿戴裝置以及未來健康走向所需搭配的微機電元件與互聯網連結,成長率令人期待。然而紅色供應鏈的崛起以及大陸政府重點扶植IC設計產業,勢必衝擊非紅色供應鏈的IC設計廠商,本研究主要分析微機電(MEMS)產業競爭力以及未來可能面臨市場競爭狀況,並依據目前個案公司在大陸市場中面臨的競爭,進行產業分析及個案的深入探討。 根據全球半導體產業統計資料,2017年全球半導體市場為4,122億美元,較2016年的3,389億美元成長21.6%,主因智慧化與人工智慧相關電子產品相繼問世,大幅拉升全球半導體市場向上成長,2017年全球半導體市場熱潮湧現,成長率達21.6%,2018年持續保有市場熱度,可成長11.2%,依據工研院預測,2019開是趨緩,年成長為3.7%。依產品應用來說,MEMS在工業、車用領域及相關資訊領域已被廣泛使用很多年,在Wii遊戲機上市後加上iPhone使用,MEMS的應用層面創造更廣泛使用的成長比例;近年來更推廣至醫療領域。 微機電產業發展已經進入成熟階段,在市場上除了已經擁有品質穩定之技術外,價格戰正如火如荼地展開,因此在同業間競爭者力道強勁下,經營者除了cost down外,cost down 終將面臨盡頭,經營者必須思考如何能在市場中保住競爭優勢,提高產品的附加價值,拉開與競爭者之差異並在市場中突圍,在物聯網的時代,平台的建立及應用才是創造物聯網之最佳價值,微機電產業更應該專注在給客戶的價值上。 本研究運用競爭策略與商業模式分析,藉由國內外相關研究文獻之蒐集及探討,針對微機電產業進入市場時,面臨之機會與挑戰,提出發展策略與建議,作為未來欲進入微機電產業之IC設計公司及研究者參酌之方向。


MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) technology has been developed for nearly forty years. It has been widely used in the consumer electronics market and consumer applications for more than a decade, and its technology has flourished. More and more sensors are being produced one after another. Therefore, the advantages of “multifunction and low cost” in MEMS products have been widely used in daily life. The application of MEMS in the IC design industry is an important development. research direction. According to the analysis, the growth rate of MEMS output value maintains double-digit growth. Many micro-electro-mechanical operators also have high confidence in the future growth potential. In the future, they will be widely used in various fields, especially the opening of the consumer electronics market, wearable devices and future health. The growth rate is expected to move towards the MEMS components that need to be paired with the Internet. However, the supply chain in China and China government's focus on supporting the IC design industry will inevitably impact the non-supply chain in China IC design vendors. This study mainly analyzes the competitiveness of the micro-electromechanical (MEMS) industry conducting industry analysis and case study. According to semiconductor industry statistics, the global semiconductor market in 2017 was US$412.2 billion, up 21.6% from 2016's US$338.9 billion. The main reason is that smart phone and artificial intelligence related electronic products have been launched, which has greatly increased the growth of the global semiconductor market. In 2017, the global semiconductor market boomed, with a growth rate of 21.6%. In 2018, it continued to maintain market heat and could grow by 11.2%. According to the prediction of the Institute of Technology, 2019 is slowing down and growing at 3.7%. Depending on the application of the product, MEMS has been widely used in the industrial, automotive and related information fields for many years. After the launch of the Wii game console, the use of the iPhone, the application level of MEMS creates a more widely used growth ratio and promoted to the medical field. The development of MEMS industry has entered a mature stage. In addition to the technology that has stable quality in the market, the price war is in full swing. Therefore, under the strong competitors among the industry, the operators will face the cost down. At the end, operators must think about how to maintain competitive advantage in the market, increase the added value of products, open the gap with competitors and break through in the market. In the era of Internet of Things, the establishment and application of the platform is the largest in the Internet of Things. Value, MEMS industry should focus on the value to customers. This study uses competition strategy and business model analysis. Through the collection and discussion of relevant research, it proposes development strategies and suggestions for the opportunities and challenges faced by the micro-electromechanical industry when entering the market and to be reference for future researchers.


I. 英文部分
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