  • 學位論文


Feedforward, Iterative Unbalance Compensation of Magnetic Bearing System Using Newton's Method

指導教授 : 葉廷仁




In a rotating machine, the rotor’s center of gravity usually offsets from the rotational axis due to uneven mass distribution. Such an offset leads to periodical unbalance force and causes rotor to vibrate when it spins. In the magnetically levitated rotor system, while feedback control is used to provide stability and sufficient rigidity to possible disturbances, it is desired that a mechanism to cancel the unbalance force can be added externally without influencing the stability established by the feedback control. Therefore, this thesis devises a feedforward control algorithm for unbalanced compensation for magnetically levitated rotor systems. In the feedforward control algorithm, the amplitude and absolute phase of the displacement signal are firstly detected by using a synchronized sine wave generated from the pulse signal for the speed measurement. The information on amplitude and phase is then combined with the sensitivity transfer function matrix identified from the experiments to calculate the proper feedforward control needed to cancel the unbalance force. In order to account for the errors due to the sensor measurements as well as the inaccuracies in the sensitivity function identification, the thesis proposes to use the Newton method to iteratively compute the feedforward control efforts. The performance of the proposed unbalance compensation algorithm is verified by both simulations and experiments.


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