  • 學位論文


Exploring the expansion and transformation of the platform of political participation in Late Qing and Early Republican China— A case Study of the aides and staff system reform

指導教授 : 鐘月岑


傳統中國的統治方針屬於盡可能減少干預地方的「小政府」模式,雖然官僚人數精簡而與國土幅員不成比例,但一方面透過儒家思想中仁民愛物思想,維繫政府與百姓之間的聯繫關係,另一方面則仰賴地方精英執行許多具官方性質的工作,兩相合作構成傳統中國無為而治的小政府統治基礎,並延續至清代。然而,隨著人口倍增與西方勢力來到中國,清政府過於精簡的官僚系統逐漸難以應付,在鞏固朝廷權威的前提下,具有預備官員或準官僚身份,並具有經世幹才的不在地士紳集團:幕友,便成為清政府仰賴的新對象。透過適度開放幕友政務上的建言及協助實務,清政府得以鞏固統治的穩定性,而非官士人也可透過入幕獲得進一步參與政務的機會,形成清政府與士人的互利。 不過,清政府雖然允許幕友參與政務,但卻不允許幕友逾越官與幕的政治生活分界線。然而戰亂破壞了清政府對於地方的控制力,導致清政府必須更仰賴地方督撫及其幕府對抗戰亂,維繫地方秩序,促使幕府逐漸取代地方衙門而成為地方公共事務的代行者,形成幕府衙署化。另一方面,隨著洋務運動的開展,輪船、電報、開礦等新興實業逐漸成為地方督撫的重心,也使督撫幕府的規模逐漸擴大,需要更多非儒家士人的專才協助,形成幕府科層化:即幕友之下尚有幕僚,且多數幕友還兼具官員身份,更進一步加遽官幕混淆之情形,進而導致清政府的小政府模式統治危機。 緣此,本文擬以十八世紀至二十世紀初期中國幕府制度組織與職能變化,探討幕府作為溝通國家與社會議政平台的功能性和發展,及其消失的原因和影響,並希望能藉此申論中國邁向現代化國家進程中,不在地士紳於政治與經濟領域發揮之作用,以及晚清幕府有別其他時代而兼具議論與參與政務場域之特殊性。


幕府 不在地士紳 衙署化 科層化 準官僚


The number of bureaucrats in Qing Dynasty is streamlined, but still maintain efficiency. On the one hand, the Qing government maintain the harmonious relationship between the government and the people through the universal benevolence based upon Confucianism. On the other hand, the Qing government rely on local elites to perform many official affairs. However, as social conflicts become more serious, the Qing government needs assistance from Non-local gentry. The Non-local gentry have a nominated official or pre-official, also a activist of the Theory of Statecraft. Through the aides and staff system reform, the Qing government allows relaxation of restrictions and lets Non-local gentry be a muyou(幕友) to discuss and participate in politics. As a result, the Qing government can consolidate the stability of the rule, and Non-local gentry get further opportunities to affect policy decisions. However, due to the rebellion of Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, the Qing government must rely more on the governor general or provincial governor. The aides and staff system of provincial officials run institutional and bureaucratical undertakings like government organs. The steamship, telegraph, mining and other emerging industries be integrated into the dominant local officials system during nineteenth century, resulting in expansion of the aides and staff system. As a result, more and more professionals from different fields join the aides and staff system become a muyou. For effective management, the reform of aides and staff system has become “bureaucratization”, and the muyou usually can be both of officials and private advisor by recommendation of the muzhǔ(幕主, the chief of aides and staff). As a result, the expansion of aides and staff system lead to bureaucratic miscellaneous during nineteenth century. In My article, I analyzed the changes in the organization and function of the Chinese aides and staff system from the eighteenth century to the early twenty century, and to show that serves as a platform for communication between the state and social conferences.


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