  • 學位論文


The effect of Word Repetitive Exposure Training on Reading Comprehension of Immigrants

指導教授 : 陳明蕾


在臺灣新移民的數量有逐年增加的趨勢。對於新移民而言,他們有學習中文的強烈動機;其一是國籍法第三條規定,在歸化為我國國民時必須具備基本的語言能力,第二則是據內政部 (2004)所公布「2003 年外籍與大陸配偶生活狀況調查」,在受訪的新移民中,最希望能夠接受的課程,「語言能力、識字教學」以及「就業訓練」占了前兩位。 現行的識字教學以「字」(character) 為主;然而現代漢語口語及書寫形式的不對稱,導致新移民即使認識很多字,卻仍有閱讀的困難(楊憲明,1998)。柯華葳 (2010) 指出詞彙 (word) 在閱讀中扮演重要角色,因此本研究以詞彙凸顯重複訓練的方式對照傳統單字的教學,比較兩者對於字詞表唸讀正確數與流暢度以及篇章唸讀速度與閱讀理解的影響。 本研究將 24 名來自東南亞國家的新移民,經過識字量測驗(洪儷瑜,2012)確認參與者識字量後分為詞彙組以及單字組;分別進行三個星期的字詞凸顯重複訓練,每星期訓練後記錄字詞表唸讀正確數與流暢度。後測階段進行篇章唸讀時間並且進行閱讀理解測驗。研究結果發現,經過三個禮拜的詞彙以及單字凸顯重複訓練後,唸讀字表、詞表時流暢性都增加,而且差異不顯著。原因在於經過反覆的練習之後對於訓練內容的熟悉產生了練習的效果。說明了不論是以單字或是詞彙作為教學的本位進行訓練,對於學習中文的新移民而言都有幫助。 後測階段閱讀華語篇章的部分發現,以詞彙為刺激項目組別的新移民在唸讀的時間以及流暢度上都優於單字組。另外本研究也發現,詞彙組的新移民經過詞彙的訓練之後,學習時間較短的詞彙組實驗參與者在唸讀篇章的速度提升,閱讀時間縮短。此結果表示以詞彙作為刺激材料,對於新移民在真實環境篇章的閱讀上有幫助。而在閱讀理解方面則沒有影響。本研究歸納出造成閱讀理解組別差異不顯著的原因,並希望在未來研究上可以成為擴展研究的啟發。


To apply jobs, being able to recognize Chinese characters is a crucial skill for immigrants in Taiwan. According to a survey from Ministry of interior in 2004, the top two abilities that immigrants are willing to gain are learning Chinese characters and working skill training. However, current teaching method is based on “characters”, results in difficulty of reading. This research recruited 24 immigrants from Southeast Asia. They were first tested with their word recognition level by Hong (2012) then started a training section for three weeks. Throughout the training section, they have to record themselves reading word/ character chart each week. After three weeks, they were asked to read articles they had never read. The result revealed that both word group and character group have better results on chart reading, which means both methods work when it comes to work recognizing. However, while reading articles, the reading time of word group was far less than the character group; which means teaching in words sped up their reading speed than teaching characters. In reading comprehension, there is no significant difference between word group and character group. We collected possible reasons for not showing significant result and hope it would be an inspiration for researches in the future.


immigrants language teaching multiethnic


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