  • 學位論文


The Remains of Empire: Postcolonialism and Imperialism in Dream Jungle

指導教授 : 吳建亨


本文旨在通過對黑格苳小說《夢叢林》的分析,來討論美國對菲律賓後殖民歷史的影響。像許多菲律賓裔美國作家一樣,黑格苳在作品中深切地表達了對菲律賓在美帝主義影響下的歷史、文化和社會的關注。《夢叢林》發表於1970年代,以日誌形式撰寫,記錄了當時菲律賓人如何遭受美國殖民者的壓迫與暴力,以及帝國主義對後世政治、經濟、文化生活等各方面之深遠影響。黑格苳亦希望藉由作品,促使讀者正視資本主義經濟體系中「國際分工」的不平等議題;關注進而了解菲律賓人在全球資本主義影響下如何遭受迫害。 本論文將分為三個主要部分。第一部分我將探討菲律賓的殖民歷史,以及此段歷史對該國社會造成的影響。在下一節中,藉由描述原始部落的發現,點出在馬可仕政權下的一些社會和政治問題。最後一章節,通過Napalm Sunset電影的拍攝過程,探討《夢叢林》中帝國主義事件,點出馬可仕政權與美國霸權之間的特殊關係,最後,以在這樣的政治社會底下,菲律賓人是擺盪於帝國主義與本土主義之間,該如何從這兩種主義中做協調,各取所長並避免重蹈帝國主義的覆轍,創造出一個共存共榮的社會作結。


The thesis aims to discuss the postcolonial history in the Philippines and the influence of America through an analysis of Jessica Hagedorn’s novel Dream Jungle. Like many of her fellow Filipino American writers, Hagedorn expresses her deep concerns for the history, culture, society of the Philippines under the influence of American imperialism. Set in the 1970s, Dream Jungle is written in the form of a journal, recording how Filipinos suffered from the oppression and violence of American colonizers whose influences remain. In detailing the imperial shadow cast on Philippine’s political, economic and cultural life, Hagedorn brings her readers’ attention to the inequality in the international division of labor and resources in the postcolonial period. This thesis will be divided into three main parts. Chapter one focuses on the historical background of Dream Jungle and my thesis statement. I had Said's Orientalism and Fanon's arguments in The Wretched of the Earth as the basis for this paper. In the next section, by narrating the discovery of Taobo tribe, I would point out the collusion between the Philippine elites and the imperialists. Chapter three begins with the filming of Napalm Sunset, and how the fictional events show the special relationship between the Marcos regime and the US hegemony. In the end of this thesis, I bring out an idea that the postcolonial Filipinos need to find a negotiation between imperialism and nativism.


Abinales, Patricio N. “A History of Philippine-American Relations.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History, 2017. Print.
Aguilar-San Juan, Karin, and Hagedorn, Jessica. “A Conversation with Jessica Hagedorn.” The Women’s Review of Books. Vol. 21, no.6, 2004, pp. 6.
Evangelista, Susan. “Jessica Hagedorn: Pinay Poet.” Philippine Studies, vol. 35, no. 4, 1987, pp. 475–487.
Fanon, Frantz. Black Skin, White Masks. London: Pluto, 1986. Print.
--- The Wretched of the Earth. New York: Grove Press, 1963. Print.
