  • 學位論文


Discussion of learning performance and learning approaches of airline transport pilots of nationality from different basic training backgrounds

指導教授 : 王明揚 何立己


近年來在民航運輸量激增的情況下,國內外各航空公司均面臨飛行員不足的窘境。民航業者顧及飛航安全與長期成本考量前提下,逐漸增加自行培訓飛行員招募的比例,加上赴國外自訓的飛行員亦有增加的趨勢,致使外籍飛行員招聘、人員素質管理及成本控制等窒礙問題稍獲抒解。然而,由人員的甄選至基礎學、術科訓練乃至於進入飛行實務訓練,都需經由資深且經驗豐富的專業教官投入大量的時間及精神,將學員於各階段所表現的學習成效回饋於訓練內容及方法,方能有效提升訓練品質與成效。根據近十年國內外的研究顯示,飛行員的學習方式對於階段性學習績效甚至長期的表現有相當程度的影響。因此,提升飛行員在各訓練階段的學習績效及完訓率,遂成為航空業者與民航訓練機構所重視的項目之一,亦確實是一個相當值得研究的課題。故,本研究以不同基礎訓練背景國籍民航飛行員的學習方式為研究主軸,並探討影響學習表現之相關因素。 本研究首先建構出一份具信、效度之中文版飛行員學習歷程量表( Pilot Learning Process Questionnaire-PLPQ ),並以民航飛行年資5年以下之國籍民航飛行員為研究對象,採用六點量表問卷與因素分析建構學習方式之分類模式,探討PLPQ量表能否有效區分不同導向的學習方式,並分析各種學習方式與不同基礎訓練背景變項(人口統計變項)之關連性。其次,本研究另輔以深度訪談探究現象形成可能的原因,包括瞭解不同民航訓練機構之課程設計、飛行教師之教學模式、飛行教師更替頻率、廣義的訓練環境、班級學習風氣等外在因子,以及包含語言、個性、興趣強弱、用功程度等個人內在因素在學習飛行的歷程中的影響程度,藉以支持並對映統計數據所呈現之深層意義。最後,針對各研究方法上所蒐集的資料加以整合,對飛行訓練相關機構及民航飛行員提出適切之結論與建議。


In recent years, both domestic and international airliners faced the predicament which the pilots were insufficient because the civil aviation freight volume has increased sharply. To meet the dual considerations of flight safety and long-term cost, the civil aviation industry selects alternatively to increase the proportion of self-training pilots and its own recruits. The additional benefits are the hiring shortage of foreign pilots, personnel quality management and cost control. From the selection of cadets to the foundation training to the advanced flight training, all instructors need to put into a great deal of time and spirit to verify the instruction classes during the training process. According to a decade of accumulated researches, the learning efficacy of pilots at various stages and the long-term flight performance are associated with the learning approaches that were taught during the training process. Therefore, the most important issue to improve the performance and achievements are never put too much attention in the civil aviation training institutions. In this research, we try to analyze the learning approaches based on different training backgrounds of Taiwanese airline transport pilots, and also discuss the effect of learning performance based on other relevant factors.


4.文崇一、楊國樞(民89) 訪問調查法。社會及行為科學研究法下
7.林金定、嚴嘉楓、陳美花(民94) 質性研究方法:訪談模式與實
(Matthew David & Carole D. Sutton,2004)。台北:韋伯文化。
