  • 學位論文


Analysis of Theme on Wu Bai's Song Lyrics

指導教授 : 丁威仁


文學的創作是人們抒發情感,表達情志的管道,古人常藉詩歌表達哀樂之情,最早的詩歌就是歌詞。時至今日,流行歌詞同樣也描述了當代人們共同的情感,我們可能聽了某一首流行歌曲而喚起我們生命中的記憶,伍佰的歌曲就是其中之一。 伍佰國語、臺語歌詞的創作優游於白話與詩句中,在自然中流動典雅,意象及跳躍性的表達方式具戲劇的張力。有想法、有高度與厚度,豐富了詞的意境,提昇了歌詞的層次。其歌詞主題涵蓋各個層面:有感情、有勵志、有對現實的關懷,都能精準地傳達詞意、反映著時代的變化。三十年來,伍佰持續他的創作能量,並展現在音樂上的開創性。在伍佰動人心弦的歌詞裡,我們看到精彩的詩篇,即使歌曲傳唱多年,仍具藝術的生命力與爆發力。


Literature is a way for people to express their emotions and sentiments. Ancient people often used poems to express sadness and joy, and the earliest poems were lyrics. Nowadays, pop songs’ lyrics also describe the common emotions of modern people. We may listen to a certain pop song and evoke memories in our lives, Wu Bai’s songs are many of them. The creation of Wu Bai Mandarin and Taiwanese lyrics is excellent in vernacular and verse, flowing elegantly in nature, and the imagery and jumping expressions have dramatic tension. There are ideas, height and thickness, which enriches the artistic conception of words and enhances the level of lyrics. The themes of the lyrics cover all levels: emotional, inspirational, and caring for reality. They can accurately convey the meaning of words and reflect the changes of the times. For thirty years, Wu Bai has continued his creative energy and demonstrated his creativeness in music. In Wu Bai’s touching lyrics, we see wonderful poems, even if the songs have been sung for many years, they still have artistic vitality and explosive power.


一、專書部分 (依姓名筆劃排列)
1、 Debbie Ford:《黑暗,也是一種力量》內容簡介,譯者:黃漢耀,人本自然出版,2005年。
2、 中華音樂人交流協會:《臺灣流行音樂200最佳專輯》序言,臺北:時報出版,2009年。
3、 王方谷:〈伍佰的LIVE-枉費青春〉,《臺灣流行音樂200最佳專輯》,臺北:時報出版,2009年。
4、 王立:〈如斯雖逝有壯音―中國古典文學中的流水意象〉,《心靈的圖景—文學意象的主題史研究》,上海:學林出版社,1999年2月。

