  • 學位論文


Talking Music System for the Visually Impaired: "Hear" the information on the Music Score

指導教授 : 蘇郁惠


「樂譜」對於音樂學習者來說是不可或缺的重要工具。然而,對於無法閱讀五線譜的視覺障礙者而言,往往僅能透過聆聽錄音的方式來學習,因而忽略了許多樂譜上的重要符號。雖然點字樂譜能夠有效解決視障者無法讀譜的困難,然而,音樂點字符號需要長時間的學習與記憶,且需要專業的人士進行轉譯,因此長久以來點字樂譜的資源仍然十分缺乏。而隨著資訊科技的進步與數位樂譜格式的成熟,視障者能夠透過輔助軟體操作電腦,以語音的方式來聽取數位樂譜,語音樂譜系統便成為了一項極佳的替代讀譜方式。 本研究提出了一套全新的語音樂譜系統學習方法,利用音效及文字轉語音技術,將樂譜上的各種符號轉換為提示訊息,讓視障者能夠以聆聽的方式獲取樂譜上的詳細資訊,並使用 Reaper 軟體作為讀譜工具。接著,本研究邀請四位參與者進行系統測試實驗,透過問卷及深度訪談,探討此讀譜方法的效果與可行性。從研究結果可看出此系統能夠提升視障者讀譜效率及自主性,讓他們更能掌握樂譜上的資訊,且此系統亦具備容易學習與操作的特性,對視障者而言是個很好的讀譜方式。未來,語音系統樂譜值得持續開發與推廣,讓視障者能夠以更有效率的方式來取得並閱讀樂譜。


For most music learners, "scores" are the most indispensable tools. However, for people with visual impairments, who are hard to read staff notations, they are forced to learn music through listening the recordings, which may cause ignorance of many important notations on the scores. Although braille music score is a great solution, allowing the blind to comprehend every detail on the scores through touching the braille notations, however, it takes learners much time to learn and memorize all the braille symbols, and needs specialists to transform the scores. Thus, braille scores resources are always deficient for a long time. On the other hand, with the progress of information technology and digital music format, blind can access the computer with assistive software such as screen reader and listen to the scores by speech. Therefore, "talking music system" becomes a good alternative. In this research, we propose a new music learning method of talking music system. We transform the information written on the scores into prompting messages by using sound effects and TTS (Text to Speech) technique, allowing the user to access all the musical notations through listening. This system uses Reaper as the reading tool. After that, we invite four participants to test the system and discuss the usability and improvement of this learning system according to the result from the questionnaire and in-depth interview. The result points out that this talking music system can help the visually impaired enhance their reading efficiency and independence. They can get the hang of the details written on the scores more easily and accurately. Also, this system possesses the characteristics of ease to learn and operate. In the future, talking music system is worthy to be develop and promote continuously. Therefore, the visually impaired can obtain and read the scores in a more efficient way.


壹、 中文部分
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蔡振家(2004)。絕對音感的認知心理學研究。關渡音樂學刊, (1), 頁 77-92。
