  • 學位論文


An Action Study on the Integration of Platforms into Theme-based Context on Fifth Graders’ English Oral Ability

指導教授 : 詹惠雪


本研究旨在運用資訊平台融入主題式情境設計提升國小五年級學生英語口說能力,研究對象為新竹縣安逸國小(化名)之五年級25位學生。本研究採行動研究法,以康軒版教材Hello! Kids 6其中三個單元進行三個循環教學,實施期間為109年5月至109年6月,共有五週,每周三節課,總計15節課。在行動研究的過程中,研究者蒐集學生的訪談記錄、學習單,教師教學省思札記以及課堂觀察紀錄表等質性資料,再輔以學生的口說前後測的量化資料,分析學生英語口說的學習表現,最後整理與分析相關資料,提出研究結果如下: 一、運用資訊平台融入主題式情境設計搭配不同的學習任務,以短文朗讀、口說對話、戲劇呈現等漸進式口說活動,有助於提升學生英語口說能力。 二、搭配課文主題設置情境,可讓學生學習應用英語口說;運用各種資訊平台融入主題式情境設計,有助於學生精熟課程內容。 三、運用資訊平台融入主題式情境設計能提升整體學生的口說能力,低中高分群也都顯著進步。 四、學生肯定並喜歡資訊平台融入主題式情境設計,認為能提升他們英語口說能力。 五、行動研究能增進研究者英語口說教學之專業知能。 最後,研究者依據本研究結論提出對英語教學者與未來研究的建議,以作為研究之參考。


This study explored integration of platforms into theme-based context on fifth graders’ English oral ability. The participants of this action research are twenty-five English as foreign language (EFL) fifth grade students in an elementary school in Hsinchu County. The researcher used three units to design three cycles of a teaching program. The study lasted for six weeks, three times a week. The qualitative data include students’ interview, worksheets, teacher’s reflection journal and classroom observation notes. The quantitative data include students’ oral pre-test and posttest. Based on the data analysis, the major findings of this study were summarized as the following. First, using integration of platforms into theme-based context with different learning tasks like paragraph read aloud, dialogue and drama can enhance students’ oral ability. Second, setting the situations with the content can help students speak English and also using different technology platforms into theme-based context help students be familiar with the course content. Third, using integration of platforms into theme-based context can promote all students’ oral ability and make the different level students improvement. Forth, students like integration of platforms into theme-based context because of improving their oral ability. Finally, the researcher’s competence in teaching English speaking improved through this action research. According to the results and discussions of this study, suggestions were provided for teachers and further researchers who are interested in teaching speaking.


Seesaw簡要說明(民107年5 月 7日)【簡報】。楊基宏收藏。
