  • 學位論文


Service Innovation Model Research of Taiwan Tourism -focus on the Japanese Tourist Market

指導教授 : 林博文


隨著國家經濟的成長,服務業占國內的 GDP比重在2005年已超過70% ,而政府於2004年也將觀光與運動休閒服務業選定為政府推動就業型服務業發展的標的產業之一,顯示近幾年台灣開始重視服務產業的研究,但有關於服務創新的研究卻是少之又少,尤其將服務創新理論應用在觀光業者更是寥寥可數。 再者,日本來台旅客為我國入境觀光客之大宗,約佔總來台觀光客之三~四成,對我國的觀光收益也具有舉足輕重的地位。故本研究主要希望藉由質化研究的方式來探討服務創新理論應用在旅遊產業之相關情形,並以主要接待日本旅客之Inbound旅行社以及觀光局官員為訪談對象,透過多面向 (Multi source)之訪談資料來歸納創新理論在旅遊業的現況,以期藉由深入訪談來得到在量化研究中所無法得知的隱藏性資訊(Tacit Information)。 並輔以歐盟所定義的五種服務業之服務創新模式來觀察旅遊產業目前的現況,五種不同的創新方式即1.客製化創新 2.市場創新3.組織創新4. 產品創新5.過程創新,希望能夠藉由不同面向的探討,而幫助旅遊業者加速旅遊產業之創意研發過程。


With the rapid economic growth the service industry has contributed to 70% of the Taiwan's GDP in 2005. Tourism has been selected as one of the target industries for promoting the development of service industry. Nowadays the study on the service industry has become increasingly important; however, very little research has been conducted on the innovations of the service industry, not to mention its application to the tourism industry. Besides, approximately 30-40% of the inbound tourists are from Japan, they take much profitability for Taiwan. This work investigates the application of the service innovation theory to the tourism industry based on qualitative research. Through multi-source data, specifically interviews with inbound travel agencies and officials of the tourism bureau, this work surveys the application of the service innovation theory, and captures the tacit information of the tourism industry which cannot be obtained and analyzed by traditional quantitative approaches. We also observe the current status of the tourism industry by modes of service innovation defined by the European Union, including customized innovation, marketing innovation, organization innovation, product innovation, and process innovation. By employing these forms of innovation, the proposed work can expedite the originality research process of tourism industry.


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