  • 學位論文

衍生IC設計公司之競爭策略: 以旭曜為例

The competing strategy of a spun-off IC Design House(Taking Orisetech as an example)

指導教授 : 史欽泰 博士 林博文 博士


現今IC產業競爭激烈,該如何在IC產業生存為關鍵的因素,且IC設計在產業中的地位逐漸升高,因為對於在IC設計產業中的企業該如何生存,又如何與國際大廠競爭,便成為未來的趨勢之一。 本研究透過過個案研究法,利用個案內容來探討衍生IC設計公司的策略應該為何,並且針對個案公司作詳盡的介紹,希望能透過此研究,發展出未來IC設計公司的生存之路以及更優秀的競爭策略。


競爭策略 衍生公司 IC設計


Being spun off from Sunplus Technology Company Limited (Sunplus) and as a late comer with a strong will and determination to become a world-leading IC supplier in the flat-panel display industry, Orisetech can’t but have to find a way to differentiate itself from the other me-too players, figure out how it could achieve an excellent performance and company operational effectiveness, build technology IP pools, struck a strong partnership network with its vendors and customers within a shortest possible time. So that, it can leverage and armor itself with all these advantages, and as a result, outpace its rivals in this ever-fiercer world of competition. This research and analysis is thus of utmost importance in the process of configuring a MAP of SUCCESS for Orisetech – namely, How could an IC design house succeed in TFT industry out of many comparable players?


competing strategy spun-off IC design


15. STANDARD&POORS, Taiwan Ratings Institute
6. Herry Honeckman (Pre-1986). Journal of Small Business Management; Apr/Jul 1969; 7, 00002; ABI/INFOM Global
1. Annual Financial reports (2005/2006), Sunplus Technology Incorporation
2. David Chih-Wei Chang, (March, 2004), “Taiwan Semiconductor Industry- From Foundry to SOC Design”, SoC Technology Center/ ITRI
3. David Hsieh (Spring 2006) “Display Trend, LCD Demand, Panels and Substrate”, Display Search.
