  • 學位論文


“Make or Buy” Decision Process for Parts of Weapon System: A Case Study

指導教授 : 林則孟


根據雙螺旋理論(Fine,1998),產業型態無時無刻在垂直整合與水平分工兩者間變化。在我國國防自主的政策下,我國武器系統係屬垂直整合型態,因而產業中產品與服務多採自製獲得。然而由於時空環境的變化,我國武器系統原隸屬垂直整合的型態已逐漸朝向水平分工方式;因此,近年來不論是從組織制度面及營運作業面去討論我國軍工廠民營化議題,抑或是從單一產品或服務層面去討論軍品釋商議題,其實莫衷一是皆為不同層面之自製或外購(Make or Buy)決策探討。 Buchowicz(1991)曾提出,在自製或外購的議題中,並未有一套標準理論可通盤適用於所有產業,因此運用個案探討似乎是比較合適的方法。以自製或外購之決策而言,企業不見得會發展出一套制式流程供自製或外購決策參考,多數方式為企業主管依據以往經驗做出決策。相較於一般企業,我國軍工廠就武器系統零組件之自製或外購決策思維亦難以窺見,因此本研究嘗試從武器系統之背景與特質作探討,於瞭解武器系統產業脈動速度及雙螺旋發展模式後,擇我國某一武器系統作為個案研究。 基於對我國武器系統背景之瞭解,本研究透過實際案例,從供應鏈參考作業模式(SCOR;Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model)的角度探討組織成員間關係及角色。從供應鏈成員間之互動情形,瞭解我國武器系統零組件決策自製或外購之因素,從而建置我國武器零組件自製或外購之決策流程。可清楚瞭解我國武器零組件自製或外購之決策模式,將軍工廠如何決策武器系統零組件之思考流程作初步呈現。


The industrial patterns are always changing between vertical integration and horizontal collaboration based on the Double Helix model theory published by Fine (1998). Under the military independence policy in Taiwan, the weapon system industry belongs to vertical integration pattern and the government sets several types of military arsenals to make the product and services of weapon system by itself. However, the weapon system industry in Taiwan is moving towards to horizontal collaboration pattern from vertical integration pattern because of the change of environment. Therefore, no matter issues about privatization policy of military arsenals discussed from perspectives on organization and operation levels or issues about national defence outsourcing policy from perspectives on products or service, it can be regarded as researches of different levels of make-or-buy decisions. Buchowicz (1991) has submitted an idea that: For the make-or-buy study, we were similarity confronted with a lack of empirically-based theory and the comparative case approach appeared to be a most appropriate research vehicle. As far as the make-or-buy decision is concerned, the enterprise seldom develops a formal decision process to be followed and most managers make the decisions according to previous experiences. Compared to other industries, the thinking of make-or-buy decision process in weapon system industry in Taiwan is also difficult to be known, therefore, the research investigates its background and characteristics in the beginning and then analyzes its clockspeed and Double Helix model in Taiwan’s weapon system industry. Finally, the research choose some weapon system to go further research. Based on the understanding of the weapon system in Taiwan, the research uses case study to analyze the relationships and roles of supply chain team members from the perspectives on Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model (SCOR). As the interactions of the supply chain team members, we can realize the make-or-buy decision factors in Taiwan’s parts of weapon system and then establish its decision process. Furthermore, the research shows the decision model to enhance us to know how the military arsenals officers make the make-or-buy decisions of parts of weapon system in Taiwan.


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黃祐鈞(2013)。TFT-LCD 生產製程自製或委外決策分析之個案研究〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0016-2511201311334253
