  • 學位論文

Comparison of Differential Proteins in Normal and Memory-deficient Drosophila melanogaster


指導教授 : 呂平江


Learning and memory are not unitary processes. They are extremely complicated and dynamic. Proteins participate in memory formation are tightly regulated by various pathways, and may require protein synthesis and/or post-translational modifications. A memory-related gene (Amnesiac) in Drosophila melanogaster, encodes a neuropeptide which takes part in the memory-related protein kinase A (PKA) activity. Flies with mutated amn possess normal learning and memory behavior within the first 30 minutes of training. However, the process by which that learned can not be retained after 30 minutes of training, indicating these mutants are with deficits in middle-term memory (MTM). Using 2D-DIGE, we compared the protein expression pattern of D. melanogaster wild-type strains (2u, Canton-Special) with memory-deficient mutant (AmnX8). The results of this work provide new insights into understanding of protein expression level during memory formation. Protein spots with different expression levels between wild type and memory-deficient mutants were selected and identified. We identified 30 proteins that are differentially expressed between 2u and AmnX8 in fly brain. Protein 14-3-3 is more abundant in 2u than AmnX8 (9.26-fold). Recent studies indicate that 14-3-3 protein plays an indispensable role in the memory formation. In addition, energy-related proteins, cytoskeleton proteins and iron-related proteins are down-regulated in the mutant strain. Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is shown to be post-translationally modified. As a result, glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase plays in learning and memory formation is an alluring theme for future studies. Eph family is the largest family of receptor tyrosine kinase, which is comprised of 16 receptors and 9 ligands. Eph receptor tyrosine kinase is a single transmembrane protein which is located on post-synaptic neurons, and its molecular weight is 121.5 kDa. Previous studies revealed that after Eph receptor tyrosine kinase interacts with NMDA receptor, calcium ions influx into postsynaptic neuron, causing alterations in synaptic plasticity. Hence, in this study we overexpressed and purified the Drosophila ephrin receptor tyrosine kinase (Dek) in E. coli and generated an antibody that recognizes the carboxyl terminal of Dek. The anti-Dek-C antibody was employed to examine the direct interaction between NMDA and Eph receptors in Drosophila brain.


果蠅 記憶 二維電泳




Drosophila melanogaster Memory Ephrin receptor Dek 2D-DIGE


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