  • 學位論文

說故事式的創新: 一個個案研究

Innovating by Storytelling: A Case Study

指導教授 : 洪世章




創新 制度興業 說故事 單一個案


Storytelling in the workplace is a dynamic strategy for empowering employees to understand and embody an organization’s core. Leaders at all levels can learn how to use storytelling to educate, inform, motivate and inspire their employees. In this paper, we adopt storytelling and single case study to explore the role of institutional entrepreneurs in the process of innovation. Stan Shih is a retired Taiwanese business tycoon who founded Acer in 1976. He saw Acer growing from a tiny to a worldwide brand and chaired Acer until 2004. This research, I combined secondary data and historical analysis to identify Stan Shih as a storyteller to leads Acer group to practice the innovation.


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