  • 學位論文


A study of the enhancing ITRI's brand values

指導教授 : 丘宏昌


工業技術研究院為國家級的研發機構,成立以來為產業界的好夥伴,不斷的創新來提升產業的競爭力。隨著全球競爭下,產業的變遷更趨向全球競爭如何能做業界未做、不敢做或不會做的科技創新,以獨到性、區隔化的創新研究應用,創造產業新機會、新價值,能讓台灣從「技術追隨者」邁向「價值開創者」。工研院在2006年完成組織變革隨著組織從願景的重新定位,單位大規模的整合與新創,對產業的聚焦及整合服務,強化客戶服務平台及行政平台的建立,增進組織內的效率。除了,組織調整,改變研究人員的文化,強調創新,鼓勵同仁有著不怕失敗的精神,勇於追求遠大創新的夢想,挑戰未來在文化上營造創新的文化與制度的鬆綁。讓同仁創造更有價值的研發,在智慧財產權上的運用及加值,提升廠商的競爭力。 然而,我們從施振榮(1992)提出的微笑曲線發現創新和品牌是等同重要的,所以如果工研院能由創新研發與運籌品牌兩個端點並行出發,配合位居中間台灣強項的製造,勢必可以拉出一條屬於台灣產業的微笑曲線。 由於工研院的品牌價值,從內部核心組織的實質改變到外顯的識別系統的全新啟動,對內藉此凝聚向心力並尋找同仁到工研院理想的初衷,另一方面讓外部的合作廠商及客戶強烈感受的工研院的轉型。 願景中期許工研院為頂尖研發機構,把工研院實驗室的成果與全球研發機構與企業競爭,連連獲獎傳佳績。在工研院的知名度、知覺價值上的累積,增加外界對工研院的肯定。


Started in 1973, ITRI began life with a mission to help Taiwanese SMEs to move up the value chain. ITRI has been active in assisting local technology companies in improving their competitiveness in the global marketplace. Given changes in the economic environment, ITRI needs to further concentrate its energies and stress integration among various sectors. The organization needs to be better equipped to face challenges, maintain a competitive edge and create business opportunities amid the latest wave of economic development. This organizational restructuring will focus on creating mission-oriented, highly motivated technology centers that have clear goals. Internal resources will be clustered in these centers, helping to promote innovation and create beachheads in the latest technologies. The institute has also made significant growth in intellectual property business which benefits the private sectors. On the other side, ITRI encourages researchers to think out-of-box and to be innovative. ITRI has changed the rigid culture and systems. For example, researchers can come up with their own ideas on the areas they desire to work on and there would no penalty if the projects failed. On the other hand, ITRI gave free time and project for researcher to take risk at exploratory level to assure the creativity can happen. ITRI Management team committed the new vision and goal. In order to fulfill the goal of organization, ITRI had transformed the structures and innovative culture. With the great inner changes, ITRI also updated corporate Identity. After reorganization, ITRI has received many international awards for its innovative technologies. The paper surveys that the strategies of management how to enhance ITRI brand values in brand awareness, perceived value, brand loyalty, brand association and other proprietary brand assets.




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