  • 學位論文


Study of Alternating Current Type Megneto-hydrodynamic Pump

指導教授 : 王培仁


本論文之研究目的在分析及驗證交流式磁流泵之基本架構。磁流泵之工作係以磁流體動力學 (Megneto-hydrodynamics Theory, MHD) 為基礎,在流體上導入電場產生電流,再由電流與磁場感應產生的勞倫茲力 (Lorenz Force) 來推動流體。 本論文使用的基本架構為永磁式的霍巴陣列磁環產生要求的磁場大小,再由旋轉裝置帶動此霍巴陣列磁環以產生交流磁場,並由裝置在流道下方的感應線圈感應出磁場的變化以及輸出電壓訊號,以此訊號帶動電壓放大電路,達到磁場與電場的同步及同相位,獲得最大力量的勞倫茲力,實驗結果再與理論分析做驗證。 本研究試著將磁流泵尺寸放大,希望藉由其非機械式作動與可推動導電度範圍大且不同導電流體甚至於金屬溶液的特性,應用於各式的精密儀器散熱或尺寸有限無法安裝馬達的場合與金屬製造工業上的應用。同時也使用生理實驗水進行實驗,希望可行於生醫領域的應用。


The objective of this thesis is to investigate the basic structure of alternating-current type Magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) pumps. Driven by Lorenz Force based upon the interactions of magnetic and electric field, the pumps maintain alternating magnetic and electric field to suppress the electrolysis in electrolyte. A magneto-static field is generated inside a ring made of Halbach Array for providing a strong and uniform magnetic field inside the large air-gap. Then, rotating Halbach Array generates the alternating field inside the stationary air-gap. Two electrodes further provide the alternating electric field for synchronization of electric current to the alternating magnetic field. With a MHD pump made of plastics tube by 5 by 10 mm in width and height, this study has focused on the velocity of fluids made of various concentrations in NaCl solutions ranging from 0.15 M (biocompatible Saline) to 2 M. The verifications on the ac MHD pumps explore the feasibility of bio-medical applications for future lab-on-chips potential.


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