  • 學位論文


Organizing the society and dividing the communities: The economic life and local politics in the island, Xiao Liuqiu

指導教授 : 魏捷茲


本研究以臺灣屏東縣外海的小琉球為研究對象,透過對於宗教信仰、經濟生活,以及地方政治的運作模式的探查,捕捉當地人的凝聚感及其在不同生活層面的社群連結。本論文尤其關注觀光產業的興起以及因觀光產業而起的新論述如何帶動這個社會的生產與再生產。 既有的觀光人類學研究關注於討論觀光地所受到的衝擊,而本研究從人地關係的角度有了不同的發現。小琉球的在地性正在於與土地的緊密連結,從以往的漁業到今日的觀光產業,都依靠著自然環境的資源。而觀光產業雖然暗藏著環境破壞的風險,但小琉球的人們,也不斷地發展新的論述以期取得平衡。 小琉球人在生活中同時並存著許多不同的社群劃界方式。其中,有歷史的地名區域遺留、有因為經濟活動而產生的組織、也有地方政治派系的人情往來。這些網絡都同時在小琉球運作。而這些範圍不一的邊界彼此之間並不互相衝突,甚至有一定的彈性可以讓人們選擇。換言之,小琉球人的邊界不只一條,而且也有浮動游移的彈性。


社群 觀光 地方政治 派系


The aim of this paper is to study how the society organized together and how the communities differentiate themselves in the island, Xiao Liuqiu, Taiwan, based on the fieldwork on life of religion, economics, and local politics. This paper focuses on how the tourism and the new discourses work on the social production and reproduction. The anthropology of tourism tends to discuss the topic of the impact on the host, but this paper has some different discoveries through the angle of the relationship between people and place. Either the fishing industry or tourism shows special connection between people and the natural environment. The people in Xiao Liuqiu keep making the discourses about the natural resources because of the risk of environmental disruption by tourism. By doing so, the relationship between human and the place are gradually different. And also, in Xiao Liuqiu society, there are many different ways to divide the communities, including historical place names, the economic associations, and local factions. Different boundaries are not conflict with other ones, and they all exist in Xiao Liuqiu.


community tourism local politics faction


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