  • 學位論文

整合型微流體系統應用於基於雙層適配體的 糖化血色素之快速檢測

Rapid and sensitive measurement of glycated hemoglobin for diabetes monitoring by using a two-aptamer assay on an integrated microfluidic system

指導教授 : 李國賓


摘要 糖尿病是目前世界上十分常見的一種新陳代謝異常造成的疾病。它常常導致視網膜疾病以及相關的其他眼部疾病,腎衰竭以及其併發症,以及非創傷性的手足截肢。糖化血色素可以反映過去三個月以來的血糖及相關參數的平均值,因此可以作為檢測控制和風險評測糖尿病的重要指標。和另一個檢測糖尿病的指標,血糖相比,糖化血色素的應用減少了由於進食多寡和個體生理差異導致的干擾因素影響。本研究中,著重介紹和開發一個具有快速檢測糖化血色素功能的整合型微流體晶片。它可以利用兩條與糖化血色素具有高度親和力的適配體和糖化血色素進行特異性結合的方式進行對糖尿病的快速檢測。相較於本團隊之前利用兩條特異性抗體和糖化血色素進行反應的方式,本實驗中介紹的新型系統更加快速,靈敏並且更加具有經濟性,因為基於適配體的檢測方式相較之下更加便宜。本研究中所開發的晶片,其檢測時間全程僅需三十分鐘,此外,本微流體系統可以在一次實驗中一個晶片同步完成血色素和糖化血色素的檢測,因此它可以同時完成對糖化血色素和血色素的檢測。基於本系統可以自動化快速完成糖化血色素/血色素比例的偵測過程,糖尿病患者很有望利用該系統隨時隨地進行自我檢測和看護,這將大大減少檢測的時間成本和經濟成本。因此,這種具有檢測快捷,經濟實惠雙重優點的集成晶片檢測系統非常有望成為未來可能的病人自我檢測和家庭檢測的工具。


Abstract Diabetes mellitus (DM), one of the most common metabolic diseases worldwide, is the leading cause of blindness, renal failure and non-traumatic foot/leg amputations. Blood glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), which reflects an average glucose concentration over past three months, is an important indicator for the diagnosis, monitoring and risk assessment of diabetes. Compared to another common indicator, i.e. blood glucose, the measurement of HbA1c has less biological variations and does not need fasting. In this study, a new integrated microfluidic system using a novel two-aptamer assayc apable of rapid and accurate measurement of HbA1c in blood was developed. It can automate the entire diagnostic process of the two-aptamer assay on a magnetic bead which exhibits high affinity and specificity to HbA1c. Compared to our previous work using a two-antibody assay to measure HbA1c, the new microflui dicsystem is faster, more cost-effective, more sensitive and more reliable since DNA-based aptamers are more environmentally stable and cheaper when compared to antibodies. Furthermore, the microfluidic system has been extended to parallel processing such that multiple assays can be realized on a single chip. The entire process could be reduced to 30 minuites and the measurement of HbA1c and Hb could be performed simultaneously on a single chip. It can serve as a quick and easy means for diabetes patients to carry out point-of-care diagnosis whenever and wherever possible. Combining the advantages of microfluidics and aptamers, this developed microfluidic system may be promising for providing a home-care device for diabetes patients in the near future. Keywords: Diabetes Mellitus, Aptamer, Microfluidics, HbA1c


Diabetes Mellitus Aptamer Microfluidics HbA1c


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