  • 學位論文


Automatic Leading System in Drosophila and Exploring of Guiding Method

指導教授 : 陳榮順


本研究分兩部分進行,第一個部分為果蠅導引方法的探究,目的為找出更有效率與量化的驅動方法來控制果蠅的移動路徑,第二個部分為果蠅的自動化導入導出生物球實驗平台之製作。果蠅的三維觀測實驗自動化平台為清華大學團隊首先提出,目的為提供一個三維觀測自動化平台,具有導入、計數、導出等功能來減輕實驗人員在果蠅三維觀測實驗的人力負擔,並實現果蠅實驗自動化概念。 在本研究中,第一部份為果蠅導引方法的探究,利用8051單晶片控制LED矩陣燈產生一明一暗的跑馬燈效果,藉以測試驅動果蠅的效果。第二部份為果蠅的自動化導入導出生物球實驗平台之製作,主要可分為多管換管輸入與單軸定位系統,計數與閘門系統,迷暈抽氣系統以實現自動化流程。導入部份利用果蠅的背地性與懼熱性來設計,並透過計數與閘門系統來控制果蠅進入生物球的數量。導出系統則是控制電子氣閥,灌入二氧化碳迷暈果蠅,再驅動抽氣幫浦將果蠅抽出。控制介面採用Labview並搭配訊號擷取卡來完成撰寫,實體機構使用Solidworks來完成建模,部分零組件使用3D printer列印,降低整體成本與提供快速更換零件的特性。


果蠅 自動化


The first part of the research was exploring of guiding method, hoping to find a more efficient method to guide the moving path of fruit Flies. The second part of the research was automatic leading system in Drosophila, the purpose was to provide a automatic three-dimensional observation platform which had import and count and export functions to reduce the experimental time and implement the automation concepts. In the first part of research which used 8051 microchip to control LED matrix to produce the pattern for testing the effect of guiding. In the second part of research was to implement the automatic leading system for three-dimensional observation experiment of flies. The automatic platform can divide into four part, multi-tube exchange system, single-axis positioning system, counting and switching system, dazing and air suction system. Negative geotropism and heat intolerance was used for guiding. Counting and switching system was to control the amount of flies into biosphere. LabVIEW and DAQ was adopted for control interface for software part. Solidworks was used to construct the whole mechanism, some part of the platform was produced by 3D printer which can reduce the overall costs and implement the concept of mass production.


files Automatic LabVIEW


林祐任, 自動化換管用於果蠅性別分類平台. 國立清華大學碩士論文, 民國一百零二年.
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