  • 學位論文

銅金屬催化末端炔與羥胺之[2+2] 環化 加成反應及銅金屬催化連烯烴醚與羥胺 之[3+2]環化加成反應

Copper catalyzed [2+2]-cycloadditions of terminal alkynes with hydroxylamines & Copper catalyzed [3+2]-cycloadditions of allene ethers with hydroxylamines

指導教授 : 劉瑞雄


第一章描述在充滿氧氣的環境下,使用銅金屬催化劑催化羥胺與末端炔進行[2+2]-環化加成反應生成β-內醯胺。β-內醯胺常常可以在具有生物活性的天然物分子中發現。本章的合成方式可以用在許多不同官能基的羥胺與末端炔,能有效率的進行環化加成反應。 第二章描述在充滿氧氣的環境下以銅金屬催化劑催化羥胺與連烯烴經由一鍋化反應生成噁唑烷。反應中使用羥胺作為基質進行反應提供了一個較為便利的方式合成噁唑烷,反應過程中有硝酮的生成。


銅催化 環化 羥胺


In first chapter describes the copper-catalyzed [2+2]-cycloaddition of hydroxylamines with terminal alkynes in oxygen atmosphere to form corresponding β-lactams derivatives. β-lactam functionality commonly found in many natural products as well as biologically active molecules. The utility of this [2+2]-cycloaddition is manifested by wide scope of hydroxylamines and terminal alkynes. The second chapter describes one-pot copper-catalyzed [3+2]-cycloaddition of hydroxylamine with allene ether in oxygen atmosphere to form isoxazolidine derivatives. The use hydroxylamines provides a more convenient method to access isoxazolidine derivatives through insitu generated nitrone.


copper catalyzed cycloaddition hydroxyamine


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