  • 學位論文

Cosmopolitan Travels in Jessica Hagedorn's Dream Jungle


指導教授 : 傅士珍


本論文旨在探討潔西卡.黑格苳《夢叢林》中所呈現的旅遊,以剖析小說中所揭示的菲律賓在後殖民情境下的社會政治現況。《夢叢林》故事設定在二十世紀的菲律賓,圍繞著兩件彼此弱相關的社會事件,而這些社會事件分別喚起菲律賓受歐洲與美國帝國主義影響的歷史記憶。藉由旅遊的行為,《夢叢林》裡的旅遊者一方面提出對菲國殖民經驗的反思;另一方面,反映了現當代各種移動方式。 全球化已然成為現代世界秩序。全球化的過程可以追溯到西方列強不斷向東遠遊以擴展新的貿易路線和貿易夥伴的地理大發現時期。隨著不間斷的跨國交易,全球的政治、經濟、社會及文化也不斷密切整合。在此社會框架下,跨國旅遊常常被鼓勵或是被迫成為回應全球化浪潮的一種方式。正因如此,本論文提出全球化不僅僅只是一個使國界模糊、世界觀整合以及人與人間依賴增強的歷史進程。反之,應將之視為一個持續性的現象且從必須從世界性主義的概念加以討論之。本篇論文從不平等全球化剝削所導致的殖民性談論不同形式的世界性主義。並探討《夢叢林》所呈現之不同旅遊型態的原因以及其政治層面的問題。


This thesis explores the socio-political structure revealed in the experience of travels under the post-colonial condition presented in Jessica Hagedorn’s Dream Jungle. Set in the late 20th century, Dream Jungle revolves around two loosely connected social events that evoke the history and influence of the European and American imperialisms in the Philippines. Through the act of journeying, Hagedorn’s cosmopolitan travelers, on the one hand, propose a rethinking of the colonial experience of the Philippines; on the other, reflect different forms of mobility under the contemporary social context. Globalization is now a current world order. With the unceasingly transnational exchange, worldwide political, economic, social and cultural relations are intensified. Under this social framework, transnational travel is often encouraged or forced in order to respond to the flow of globalization. Yet, it is worth noticing that it is not just a historical process through which the borders of nation-states are blurred, the worldviews are integrated, and the interdependency between people and peoples is increased. Rather, it is an ongoing phenomenon that needs to be critically discussed with the concept of cosmopolitanism. This thesis will analyze the different forms of cosmopolitanism from the aspect of coloniality resulted from the uneven global exploitation. It aims to explore the formation of the various modes of travel and their political dimensions as revealed through this novel.


Works Cited
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Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children. New York: Springer, 2014. Print.
