  • 學位論文


A Study of Integrating Homework System into University General Physics

指導教授 : 楊叔卿


大專院校的普通物理課程,其授課型態經常為大班授課,且普遍存在以下教學問題:學生學習動機低落、未確實按教學進度學習,常於考前惡補進度、繳交作業亦時有缺交,甚有抄襲等敷衍心態;而教學端亦需耗費大量人力於批改作業,且無法給予學生即時回饋、亦難以即時瞭解學生學習情形。 揆諸文獻,國外於大班授課之數理科教學,常使用「課後作業系統」以減輕教學端批改作業負擔、並即時瞭解學生學習情形,同時亦能將答題狀況立即回饋予學生,增進學習效率並使其確實演練習題,然國內對類此研究尚付之闕如。 鑒於前述課後作業系統之特點,本研究具顯著意義與價值處,在於以實務導向建置「課後作業系統」,融入大班授課的普物教學中,並搭配教育測驗領域常用之S-P表,進行探討與評估,瞭解此些科技角色如何具體解決以往教師教、學生學的問題,以利系統於未來教學之優勢保存及侷限改善。 本研究情境為臺灣北部一所研究型國立大學,在103學年度上學期時,共七個班級694名學生,於各班共同使用課後作業系統融入普物教學。本研究主要瞭解學生於系統整體使用情形,及探討其應具備之功能與設計,並瞭解系統對教學端帶來之改變。 本研究採取混合研究方式,含量化與質性研究:自回收率達88%的有效問卷中,整理、分析共608名之學生回饋,並訪談一名授課教師及三名助教後,有如下發現:(1)學生認為系統給予之立即回饋極具學習效率、(2)適切之答題機制能促使學生確實演算作業、(3)課後作業系統節省以往教學端批改作業時間,另輔以S-P表,更能即時瞭解學生學習情形,使其於後續有更適切之教學互動。 本研究最後歸納了系統成功融入普物教學的五個元素:「S.M.A.R.T.」,依序為-S:學生自主學習及運用S-P表於教學、M:善用學生答題動機、A:適切作答機制之運用、R:題目隨機數值功能、T:答題即時回饋予教學兩端。 鑒於學生於答題時皆有將題目全部答對之強烈動機,研究建議未來可探討徽章系統於後續教學之應用。冀望本研究經探討與評估後之課後作業系統與S-P表,能在未來更適切的運用於普物教學,達到教者善教、學者善學之目的。


In large-enrollment General Physics courses, homework tardiness and plagiarism, much time on homework correction, and no immediate learning feedback lead to low teaching effectiveness. Previous studies indicate that integrating the Homework System (HWS) on large-enrollment Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematic (STEM) courses not only lowers the burdens of teachers on homework correct, but also timely informs teachers of the learning conditions, promoting the effectiveness of teaching. However, few local studies were conducted. This study constructed and evaluated a HWS with student-problem chart (S-P chart) for General Physics course in a national research-oriented university in northern Taiwan. This study is including quantitative and qualitative analysis, 608 students were included for survey while 1 teacher and 3 teaching assistants were recruiting for interview. The results showed as follows. First, students strongly preferred the immediate feedback of HWS. Second, the appropriate answering mechanism facilitated doing exercise. Lastly, both HWS and S-P chart saved time of homework correction, allowing teachers as well as teaching assistants to implement remedial instruction and to improve classroom interaction. The present study concluded S.M.A.R.T. elements for using HWS on General Physics courses. Respectively S stood for Self-regulated learning and S-P chart; M for Motivation promotion; A for Appropriate supporting-functions; R for Randomized item value; and T for Timing feedback. It’s suggested integrated badges system on answering mechanism in different subject matters should be conducted for future studies. Researcher expects HWS with S-P chart in this study can enhance efficiency in teaching and learning for General Physics course.


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