  • 學位論文


Analyzing Crowdsourcing Annotations on Phone Calls and Developing Predictive Model on Call Feelings

指導教授 : 王茂駿


隨著手機及行動網路普及,群眾標記系統也從電腦擴展到智慧型手機的應用程式上,群眾標記方式有許多種類,最常見的是「讚與不讚」、「五顆星等」、「表情圖示」和「文字評論」四種。但目前群眾標記在通話系統上的應用較侷限,以文字評論為主要標記方式,本研究希望比較四種常見群眾標記方式應用於通話系統上之優劣,並找出最適合此系統的方式。   本研究之目的有兩個,第一個是希望透過巨量通話標記資料分析使用者於通話系統上使用標記的行為和通話後感受,藉此了解通話標記系統的主要使用族群,並找出最適合使用者的標記方式。第二個目的為建立通話感受預測模型,利用通話屬性來預測通話對象之通話後感受。   本研究在Android平台上開發一個群眾通話標記系統,吸引超過三千名使用者,收集超過十萬筆通話標記資料。利用此系統比較現今社會最常使用的四種群眾標記方式,並分析了通話標記系統的使用族群、標記使用行為、標記收集效益等。最後歸納出此系統之主要使用族群與最適合的標記方式。除此之外,本研究利用群眾通話標記建立通話感受預測模型,整體平均預測準確度達到73.6%,與相關文獻相比有接近或更高的準確度。   本研究提供後續研究及通話標記相關應用程式產業發展之基礎,並以通話感受預測模型,提供所有產業於電話相關業務上之客戶滿意度偵測發展方向。


Crowdsourcing annotation applications have increasingly moved from PCs to smartphones as the smartphone and mobile network are widely used. The most common ways to annotate things in crowdsourcing applications are “Like/unlike”, “Five-star” ratings, “Emoticons” and “Text” tags or comments. However, the annotating method used on phone calls is limited to “Text” in existing system. In this study, we compared the four annotating methods and tried to figure out the most suitable method in crowdsourcing annotation system on phone calls for smartphone users. There are two main goals in this study, the first goal is to find the usage patterns of annotating and investigate the feelings on different kind of calls by analyzing the massive call annotations being collected. The second goal is to establish a predictive model on call feelings. We developed a crowdsourcing annotation system on Android, and collected more than 3,000 user profiles and 100,000 annotations. We compared the four methods on this system and studied the primary audience, user behavior on annotating and efficiency of collecting annotations. In addition, the predictive models on call feeling achieved 73.6% accuracy on average, which is higher than that of the other studies. Overall, this study provides a foundation for follow-up studies in the field of crowdsourcing annotation on phone calls, and the established predictive model can be widely used in estimating customer satisfaction on calls and improving phone-call-related applications.


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