  • 學位論文


An integrated approach to project management using Kano model and QFD: An empirical case study

指導教授 : 陳建良


由於產品生命週期的縮短,企業需尋找縮短產品開發時間的方式。然而,企業似乎無法仰賴單一技術或知識來開發產品並縮短產品開發時間,且各個功能部門需在專案開發中儘量合作並減少衝突。因此,專案管理可以扮演一個整合者角色,在時間與成本的條件限制下有效運用企業資源來產出最高品質的產品。 傳統上專案管理標準或指南著重於在專案中需完成哪些作業,但是很少提及如何將標準或指南運用在企業的新產品開發流程。為了解決此問題,本研究採用美國專案管理師協會(Project Management Institute, PMI)所建議的專案管理47個流程為架構來設計問卷,並將此問卷發給台灣某耳機製造公司來進行調查,並將調查結果利用二維品質模式(Kano Model)進行分析。分析結果指出該公司共計有14個流程被視為相對重要需進行改善,而其中共計有7個流程可納入到最後一階段再進一步分析。最後,利用品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD)整合該7個流程所需使用的專案管理工具與技術。藉由此系統性的方法,企業可以找出其產品開發流程的缺點,並進一步改善其專案管理的績效。


Due to shortening product life cycles, businesses are looking for ways to reduce the time of product development. In light of this, it seems unlikely for firms to rely on a single technique or knowledge to develop products, and functional departments should endeavour to reduce conflicts and cooperate in a project. Therefore, project management (PM) is anticipated to play an integrated role to manage corporate resources with the constraints of time and cost to produce the highest quality of products. The traditional standards and guidance of PM focus on the tasks that need to be done in a project. However, the approach of applying the standards and guidance to an existing product development process is not sufficiently illustrated. To fill this gap, this research utilises the 47 PM processes proposed by Project Management Institute (PMI, 2013) as framework. A questionnaire was designed, distributed to a Taiwanese earphone manufacturing company, and analysed with Kano model. The survey result indicates 14 processes relatively important to improve, among which seven were selected to the final stage. Quality function deployment (QFD) was then utilised to integrate the PM tools and techniques with those seven items. By means of this systematic methodology, firms are able to identify the weakness of their product development process, and improve their PM performance.


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