  • 學位論文


Research of Mathematical Confidence,Perfectionism,Gender,College Entrance Channels Affect Academic Achievement

指導教授 : 潘戍衍 蕭嘉璋


本研究主要目的為探討大學生在大學三年來的學業成就與學生完美主義和數學信心之間的關係性。性別和入學原因的不同是否會造成學生在完美主義、數學信心和學業成績的表現上有差異。 研究過程為依據數學信心和完美主義之文獻,將問卷運用因素分析找尋結構之因素,再以迴 歸分析、T檢定、單因子變異數分析以及多重對應分析去更進一步探討所有因素與大學學習成就之間的相關性以及性別和入學原因是否會造成學生的數學信心、完美主義和學業表現上的差異。 經過施測之後,完美主義和數學信心問卷具有中高等的信度,而完美主義各面向均達到可信的信度。本研究結果顯示數學信心、完美主義中的個人標準和組織性皆能預測微積分學業表現,對於理學院學生來說,這三個部分更是能預測GPA表現。完美主義中的家長的批評和家長的期待也能預測英文學業表現。多重對應分析之分析圖確認及做更深步 的探討以上的結果。另外性別也會造成學生在英文學業表現和GPA上的顯著差異,並且女生表現的都比男生好;性別同時在完美主義中的在意錯誤、家長的批評和對行動採取遲疑上面造成程度上的差異,其中男生在這三個部分程度都比女生強烈。入學原因也會造成大一上微積分段考成績上的差異,其中僑生海外招生委員會入學的學生表現的會比指考分發、學士班申請入學和繁星推薦的學生差;其他入學方式也會表現得比指考入學的學生差。


The main purpose of this study is to a investigation on the relationship between students' perfectionism , mathematics confidence and their academic achievements over three years of university life.The difference between gender and college entrance channels affect mathematical confidence,perfectionism, Academic Achievement. The research processes in this study are: first, The questionnaire used in this study was based on a English version questionnaires which was constructed in other related study as a reference.The factor analysis was used to analyze the main factor of Perfectionism questionnaire.After applying data using multiple regression analysis, T-test, one-way ANOVA and multiple correspondence analysis, we have the conclusion of our question. After completing and analyzing survey, the reliability analysis shows the result of all of its subscales' reliability reached certain level of reliability with Cronbach's α . The outcome of this study demonstrated that the grades of Calculs had positive and significant relationship with mathematical confidence,perfectionism(Personal Standard and Organization), for the student of college of science and engineering, it affects GPA.The grade of English had positive and significant relationship with perfectionism(Parental Criticism and Parental Expectation).By using multiple correspondence analysis, the result can be confirmed and led to further discussion on the correlation. Furthermore, the difference between gender and college entrance channels did affect mathematical confidence,perfectionism, Academic Achievement.


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