  • 學位論文


“Dizi Zhi” (Duties of Disciples) in the Song Dynasty

指導教授 : 李弘祺 廖咸惠


宋代〈弟子職〉的研究是自一個現象開始的,這個現象即是宋代關於〈弟子職〉的記載,相較於宋以前要多出許多。而何以有此現象?這現象是如何發生的?以及這現象產生甚麼樣的影響?都是本論文主要研究的議題。 〈弟子職〉這篇文章出自《管子》一書,近代學者大多認為它是戰國時代稷下學宮的學則。而它流傳到宋代之所以能夠發展起來,關鍵人物當屬朱熹。朱熹根據〈弟子職〉講述的內容,將其分為九章。且以兩字、或四字總括各章旨意以標題。還將部分字詞標注字音,並加以注疏釋義、串通文句。接著藉由提倡〈弟子職〉附上司馬光〈居家雜儀〉一同刊印,以及將〈弟子職〉收入自身著作《小學》、《儀禮經傳通解》等方式,使它成為自身學說的一環。再透過自身著作與弟子門人、再傳弟子等不同途徑,將自己賦予〈弟子職〉的蒙學教育、禮學、禮學教育、家庭觀等觀念傳播開來,為宋代其他學者接受,甚至流傳、影響著後世。 就方法上言之,時間從〈弟子職〉源起的戰國時代談起,以宋代為聚焦重點,再到元代作為總結,以掌握不同時代〈弟子職〉所具有的意義與流傳情況。並將〈弟子職〉與時代背景相結合、相關人物的思想特徵相應證。期能藉此烘托出宋代〈弟子職〉與朱熹所倡之〈弟子職〉承先啟後、集大成的地位。使用的史料以朱熹的著作、以及他與友人、弟子來往的書信為主,其他宋代學者對於〈弟子職〉的相關記載為輔。 就結果論之,宋代確實是〈弟子職〉繼漢代之後,另一個嶄露頭角的時代,也是傳承與創新兼具的時代。宋代傳承的是〈弟子職〉自漢代、歷經隋唐五代作為禮學經典注疏的傳統,創新的是使〈弟子職〉重回戰國時代所屬的教育領域,並更具體地指出適用對象的年齡與性別。同時,朱熹將傳統與創新各自獨立又融合,發展出禮學教育的概念。而他以禮學教育來回復古禮、教化世人的觀念,流傳至元代發展得更具系統性。得見朱熹不僅是宋代〈弟子職〉發展的關鍵人物,也是歷代〈弟子職〉相關思想的集大成者。


Abstract This study is concerned with “Dizi zhi” (Duties of Disciples) in the Song. The motivation arose from an intriguing fact that there are far more references to the “Dizi zhi” in the Song than the dynasties before. Why and how did this happen? What is its significance? And what influences have it had on Chinese education? These are the issues this thesis will address. The original text of the “Dizi zhi” comes from the Guanzi book, an important pre-Qin work. Most modern scholars consider that the essay is the school regulation of Jixia Academy of the Qi State of the Warring States period. From the Warring States Period through the Song Dynasty, this essay has not received significant attention and seems to have been forgotten. By the Song Dynasty times, this changed significantly, and Zhu Xi is the pivot who promoted it and gave it a prominent position in Chinese educational history. First, Zhu Xi divided “Dizi zhi” into nine chapters, based on its content. And he then gave titles to the chapters, using two- or four- character phrases to mark the gist of each chapter. At the same time, he annotated pronunciations for selected characters or phrases; he also provided the meaning of various words and geographic names like those of cites. He also edited sentences, when necessary. Then, by proposing to publish “Jujia zayi” (Miscellaneous rituals for family life) and “Dizi zhi” together, as well as to append “Dizi zhi” into his book Xiaoxue (Elementary Learning) and Yi li jingzhuan tongjie (General Interpretation to the Text and Commentary to the Book of Ceremonial Rites), Zhu Xi made “Dizi zhi” a part of his own theory of ritual and education. Relying on these books, and on the continued efforts his students and disciples made to expound on them, Zhu Xi not only made “ Dizi zhi” an important book for children’s education, ritual, ritual education and maintaining an orderly family, he also spread these notions to other scholars in Song dynasty. Even today, his theory still has remarkable influence. Methodologically, this study seeks to examine all meaningful studies throughout pre-Song Chinese history, underscoring how it was treated in different periods, but the focus is on Song dynasty’s conditions. The thesis then ends with a similar examination of the development of “Dizi Zhi” learning in the Yuan dynasty. Furthermore, by combining historical background and comparing different schools of thought, I highlight the importance of the noted rise in Song intellectual horizon of the “Dizi zhi”. I further discuss at length Zhu Xi’s comprehensive version, which played a critical role of inheriting the past and ushering in the future. This thesis uses primarily Zhu Xi’s books, his correspondences with friends and students; I also refer to various other related historical records in the Song dynasty. To sum up, the Song dynasty is indeed a magnificent period of intellectual development after the Han dynasty. It is also a great era of transformation, in both intellectual creativity, and literary style. This thesis shows that despite that the “Dizi zhi” is a pre-Han dynasty work, and had been affected by Sui, Tang and Five dynasties’ ways of annotating the ritual canons. When it comes to invention, however, Song understanding and interpretation of the “Dizi zhi” was able to go back to the original essence in the field of education as was known to the people of the Warring States. Meanwhile, Zhu Xi’s appropriation of the tradition and re-interpretation of it helped to develop new ideas in ritual education. Furthermore, his promotion which edifies the general public by reviving ancient rituals became more systematic in Yuan dynasty. Therefore, Zhu Xi is not only the key figure of “Dizi zhi” development in the Song dynasty, but also one who integrated and matured the various strands of understanding the “Dizi zhi” of different dynasties. Key words: Guanzi, Xiaoxue, Yi li jingzhuan tongjie, “Dizi zhi”, Zhu Xi, ritual, children’s education, ritual education


周愚文,〈宋代的小學教育〉,《教育研究所集刊》,36 (台北,1995),頁3-35。

